Monday, 21 March 2016
For MBBS, BDS, PGMC & SSMC CETIn addition to the above mentioned points the following procedure will be followed for MBBS, PGMC &SSMC programmes:1. The candidates will be called in the order of merit and shall be offered the seat available atthat point of time.2. At the time of reporting for counselling, the candidate shall produce the original certificatesand one set of photocopies thereof duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or from Principal ofSchool/College last attended or self attested. If the candidate is granted admission, thephotocopies of the documents will be retained by the University and the candidate will berequired to submit the original documents in the college. The Head of the Institution, wherethe candidate is admitted shall again verify the original documents to ensure the eligibility ofthe candidate and the original documents shall be returned to the candidate.3. For additional procedure regarding MBBS, BDS, PGMC and SSMC see Chapter PGMC & SSMC(i) Any candidate who has already been offered a seat at any institution/college by any admissionauthority other than GGSIP University will be required to submit a surrender certificate. In casehe/she does not do so, the admission authority would reject his request for attending theCounselling.(ii) A candidate, who is allotted a seat, will be required to pay Rs.27,500/- as the prescribed fee onthe spot at the time of counselling. The fee will have to be paid in the form of demand draftdrawn in favour of Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University payable at Delhi. If aPAGE: 67 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078candidate fails to pay the prescribed fee immediately as the seat is offered to him/her, theoffer will be withdrawn on the spot and the seat will be allotted to the next candidate presentas per the merit list. No part payment or payment through cheque or cash will be acceptedunder any circumstances.(iii) The Candidate who have opted a course and got admission will not be considered for secondround of counselling even if he/she has withdrawn his/her admission by due date ofwithdrawal.Note:1. The candidate who has taken admission during first counselling in any category will not be allowed tochange the category in second counselling in PGMC.9.1.5 Withdrawal of Admission after First Counselling and Refund of Fees1. The candidates after getting admission in first counselling will be allowed to withdraw theadmissions upto 5.00 p.m. of the dates detailed in the Ist counselling schedule. All the requestsfor withdrawal of admission in the prescribed performa (which shall be provided as a part ofthe detailed conselling notification) are to be submitted at the Reception Counter, AdmissionBranch, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16 C,Dwarka, New Delhi-110078. A proper receipt for withdrawal will be issued. The candidateswill be required to surrender the original Admission Slip issued at the time ofCounselling/Admission (BOTH COPIES) while applying for withdrawal of admission. No requestfor withdrawal of admission would be entertained without both copies of admission slip.2. In case the written request is received on or before the above mentioned date and time, theadmission will be cancelled and the fee will be refunded to the candidate after deduction ofRs.1,000/- for all programmes.3. No request for withdrawal of admission will be entertained after 5.00 p.m. of the dates asdetailed in the 1st counselling schedule. The fee will refunded only if the application reachesthe office of Incharge (Admissions) at Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity, Sector-16 C, Dwarka, Delhi-110078, before the said date and time. A proper receiptwill be issued by the office of Admission Branch when the candidate submits his/her applicationfor withdrawal of Admission within prescribed date & time alongwith documents as given in the1st Counselling schedule. The withdrawal application without the relevant documents will notbe entertained. Any withdrawal after this notified time and date will lead to the forfeiture ofthe full fee deposited by the candidate and no subsequent request for refund of fee will beentertained by the University. No further correspondence in this regard will be made under anycircumstances.4. Request of withdrawal of admission shall not be entertained through post/email/fax.Candidates are requested to submit prescribed withdrawal application form with original feeslip at Reception Counter, Admission Branch before the prescribed withdrawal date and time.5. No representation at later stage will be entertained by the University, where request forwithdrawal is submitted in any other branch/office of the university and the request forwithdrawal does not reach the office of the Incharge (Admissions) at Administrative Block,Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector-16 C, Dwarka, Delhi-110078, before thesaid date and time.9.3 Procedure for Second Counselling9.3.1 Applicable for CETs other than PGMC1. Detailed Schedule of Second Counselling for all the programmes, depending upon the number ofvacancies created on account of withdrawal(s)/any other reason(s), will be displayed on theUniversity's Website. The Second Counselling for all the programmes will be tentatively held atthe same venue. No separate communication will be sent in this regard. It may be noted thatPAGE: 68 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078the Academic Session of the University shall start on 1st August, 2016.2. The second counselling will commence from rank one onwards for all categories/programmes(for seats vacant) and the seats will be allotted strictly on the basis of merit of the candidates.Such candidates, who were absent in the First Counselling will also be permitted to attend thesecond counselling against the resultant vacancies.3. Candidates who attended the first counselling and paid the counselling processing fee of Rs.1000/- shall not be required to pay the counselling processing fee to participate in the 2ndcounselling.4. Candidates who did not attended the first counselling or did not pay the counselling processingfee of Rs. 1000/- shall be required to pay the counselling processing fee to participate in the2nd counselling.5. A candidate who fails to appear in person on the notified date and time for counselling, shallforfeit his/her claim for the seat which could be offered to him/her, had he/she been presenton his/her turn.6. A candidate who has taken admission in the 1st counselling but reports late on the scheduleddate and programme, he may be considered by the admission officer for change ofprogramme/institute for a seat available at that time, subject to the certificate by admissionofficer that there is no violation of rank on the seat being vacated by this candidate.7. Candidates who got admission during First Counselling are also advised to attend SecondCounselling if they wish to change the programme/institute on the basis of their merit againstthe available vacant seat(s).8. The students who take admission in first counselling would be allowed to exercise the option tochange the programme/institute in the second counseling except PGMC, within the ambit ofthe programmes/institutes included in the specific CET Code after depositing an additional sumof Rs. 5,000/- in the form of a fresh Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Guru Gobind SinghIndraprastha University payable at Delhi. However, this change of programme/institute will beallowed only if the candidate reports on the scheduled venue, date and time, or else he/shewill not be allowed to exercise this option and shall forfeit the right of change ofprogramme/institute for which the University will not be responsible. No change shall,however, be permitted for a programme for which a separate Entrance Test has been conductedby the University.9. A candidate, who fails to exercise the option in person during Second Counselling, shall forfeithis/ her right for a vacant seat even if he or she had higher rank, for which the University willnot be responsible.10. The students having taken admission in second counselling would not be allowed to change theprogramme/institute in the subsequent days of 2nd Counselling. In the interest of the students,it is advised that they should carefully select the programme/institute before taking admissionin the second counselling. Candidates once enrolled in the University at the end of counsellingwill not be considered for admission through Management Quota.11. The rest of the procedure for Second Counselling shall remain the same as followed during thefirst counselling.12. Open House Counselling: Counselling on the Open Day will be held only if any seat(s) remainsvacant after two rounds of counselling. The said seat(s) will be offered on that day to thequalified candidate(s) in order of merit as per his/her Region provided he/she has not takenadmission till then in the concerned programme/CET and has reported for counselling on thatday. Even then, if any seat(s) remains vacant, the same shall be offered to the qualifiedcandidate(s) in order of merit irrespective of his/her Region provided he/she has not takenadmission till then in the concerned programme/CET and has reported for counselling on thatday. A counselling processing fee of Rs. 1000/- shall have to be paid by all eligible candidates toparticipate in the open house counselling. The schedule of the open house counselling shall benotified on 4th August, 2016.13. A candidate taking admission in the 2nd Round of Counselling will not be entitled to withdrawthe admission. In case a candidate drops out either during 2nd counselling or after takingadmission in the second counselling, his/her full fee will be forfeited. It is advised in theinterest of the candidates to carefully decide to take admission in the second counselling onlyif he/she intends to pursue the programme.PAGE: 69 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 11007814. Management Quota: Only CET qualified candidates will be considered for admission throughManagement Quota in self financing affiliated institutions. The eligibility criteria for suchcandidates will be the same as for those admitted through counselling. The candidates arerequired to produce the original Admit Card for admission through Management Quota.15. The list of students on close of admissions after the second counselling shall be treated as finallist of admissions and the same shall be displayed on the website of the University( The Academic Session would commence w.e.f. 1st August, 2016. All the candidates who getadmission in First Counselling must report to their respective Institutes/ University Schools ofStudies as per schedule to be notified on the University website.Note:1. It may be noted that students taking admission in any of the programmes/Institutes will also bebound to abide by the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 as wellas Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations framed there under.2. All candidates who have taken admission in any programme in 1st/2nd counselling/Open housecounselling must report in the college as per date notified in the University counsellingnotifications on the University website. Failure to report in University School/College/Instituteby the notified date, without proper exemption from University School/College/Institute shallresult in automatic cancellation of admission and the fees paid shall be forfeited.3. For additional procedure regarding MBBS, PGMC and SSMC see Chapter 10.Note: The last date for all kind of admissions will be 15th August, 2016. For students admittedprovisionally under clauses enumerated in the admission brochure, 2016 (admission based on anyundertaking, wherever permitted), the provisionally admitted students must ensure that they submitthe requisite documents to the Institution admitted to on or before 15th October, 2016 (1st / 2ndCounselling). The Institutions must verify the eligibility of all students and submit a report to theAdmissions branch of the University by due date. For the open house counselling, eligibility conditions(including all documents/marksheets) shall be submitted by / produced by the candidate at the time ofcounselling. This condition shall be different for MBBS, BDS, PGMC and SSMC, and shall be notifiedseparately.9.3.2 Applicable to SSMC1. The vacancies arising due to drop out, if any, after first Round of Counselling or due to any reason,shall be notified on University website along with Schedule of 2nd Round of Counselling. The secondRound of Counselling will be held in the University Campus.9.3.3 Waiting List MBBS, BDS and SSMC1. After all the seats are filled-up during second counselling for MBBS & SSMC, a waiting list willbe prepared. Candidates of all categories will be called, for getting registered in waiting list inaccordance with the schedule notified on the University website for the various Programmes.For registration in this waiting list, the candidates will be required to fill up the VerificationForm, preference sheet and deposit Registration Fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn infavour of Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.2. Vacancy, if any, arising after second counselling for MBBS & SSMC programmes shall be filled-upfrom the waiting list strictly on merit. The last date of filling up of such vacant seats will be asspecified in the counselling schedule displayed in the University website, for each programme.Candidates registered in waiting list may be called on a short notice; hence they should keepall documents & Demand Draft(s) etc. ready till the last date as specified in the scheduledisplayed on the University website.3. In case the university fails to allot any seat to the candidates registered for the aforesaidwaiting list, the registration fee will be refunded as detailed in the table below for the variousprogrammes after deducting a sum of Rs.1,000/- as university processing fee.PAGE: 70 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100789.4 Applicable to All CET Codes1. All admissions are based on the merit list for the respective CET code.2. Any litigation/dispute regarding the examination or admission will be settled subject tojurisdiction of the Delhi Court.3. The final decision in respect to the interpretation of any provision/rule contained in thisAdmission Brochure will be taken by the Vice-Chancellor of the Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity either independently or in consultation with any Officer of the University as may bedeemed appropriate by him.4. Each student admitted to a Degree/Diploma/Certificate course shall strictly submit himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and several authorities of theUniversity who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Act, theOrdinance, and the Rules that have been framed by the University from time to time.5. The admission of any admitted student shall be terminated if the student is not regular andabsent unauthorizedly/without prior permission.6. The final decision in respect to the interpretation of any provision/rule contained in thisAdmission Brochure shall be taken by the Vice-Chancellor of the Guru Gobind SinghIndraprastha University either independently or in consultation with any Officer (not below therank of a Professor for teaching and not below the rank of a Joint/Deputy Registrar orequivalent) of the University as may be deemed appropriate by him.7. After 31st July, 2016, the vacant seats available in any school of study/institution of theUniversity, shall be filled as per guidelines of the Government of NCT of Delhi and / or policy ofthe University. Separate Notification in this regard shall be issued by the University.8. Management Quota: 10% of the total seats (as per CET Code) will be allocated as managementquota seats as per policy of Govt. of NCT of Delhi in self financing institutions. However inUniversity Schools of Study, Government Institutions and self-financing minority statusinstitutions, there shall be no Management Quota.9. Admissions through Management Quota shall be done by respective colleges before 31st July2016 as per schedule to be notified by the University.10. A candidate, who has taken admission through online / offline counselling or in the Spot / openhouse Counselling, shall not be eligible for admission in Management Quota Seats.11. If any candidate, who is admitted in the online or in the offline counselling wishes to opt forManagement Quota, he/she should withdraw his/her admission within the specified date andtime as detailed later.
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