Monday, 21 March 2016

GGSIPU UNIVERSITY COUNSELLOR ASK YOUR QUESTION 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020 @9899390153



CHAPTER- 7: Reservation Policy for Graduate and Post GraduateMedical Programmes7.1 MBBS Programme7.1.1 Vardhman Mahavir Medical CollegeLast year's Region-wise and Category-wise allocation of seats in the college which has been set up on'All India Pattern', is given below. However, there may be changes depending upon the directions of theGovt. of India, which shall be notified on the University website before start ofcounselling/admissions for the session 2016-17.I All India RegionCategory Number of SeatsA. Subsidized General 12SC 6ST 4OBC 10B. Non Subsidized Open to all Categories 9Total of I 41II Delhi RegionA. Subsidized General 25SC 12ST 5OBC 23B. Non Subsidized Open for all Categories 16Total of II 81III All India Quota to be filled through CBSE Conducted Test 22IV Central Pool of Allocation 6GRAND TOTAL: I + II + III + IV 150Note:1. The location of the 'school/college' from which the candidates have passed the qualifyingexamination will form the criteria for deciding the region of the candidates. The candidateswho have studied 10+2 (11th and 12th) classes in the recognized School/College in Delhi andpassed the qualifying examination from any School /College located in Delhi shall fall under'Delhi Region Category'.2. The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination (11th & 12th Class) from anySchool/College located in any part of the country (other than NCT of Delhi) shall fall under 'AllIndia Region Category'.3. The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any School/College located inDelhi shall be considered for admission under both “Delhi Region Category” as well as “All IndiaRegion Category”. This consideration shall, however, be on the basis of merit of the candidate.4. One seat for Physically Handicapped person/Person with Disability will be filled on the basis ofmerit from any region or category. The Physically Handicapped/PWD Candidates havingdisability of lower limbs from 50% to 70% only are eligible and may apply as per the guidelinesPAGE: 58 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078of the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India. Such a candidate will be required tosubmit a valid disability certificate from the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for PhysicallyHandicapped, 9, 10, 11, Karkardooma, Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092, issued NOT more than threemonths prior to Counselling/Admission. The certificate as given in (as per Appendix 2, theappendices shall be notified on the University website on or before 16th February, 2016) mustindicate the nature and extent of physical disability as per the guidelines of Medical Council ofIndia/ Dental Council of India. No Certificate other than this shall be accepted for claiming thePH/PWD Seat. Provided that if the seat reserved for Physically Handicapped/Person withDisability remains unfilled due to non-availability of eligible candidates(s) under this category,the same shall be treated as unreserved.7.1.2 North Delhi Municipal Corporation (Medical College) Hindu Rao HospitalLast year's Category-wise allocation of seats in the College, is given below. However, there may bechanges depending upon the directions of the Govt. of India/ Govt. of NCT Delhi, which shall benotified on the University website before start of counselling/admissions for the session2016-17.S.No. Category No. of Seat1 Delhi General 212 DOBC 123 DSC 64 DST 35 DPWD 16 15% of all India Quota to be filled by successful candidatesof AIPMT by the Centralized Counselling (Not by theUniversity)7Total 50Note:1. The candidates who have studied 10+2 (11th and 12th) classes in the recognized School/Collegein Delhi and passed the qualifying examination from any School/College located in Delhi onlyshall be eligible for MBBS Programme 2016 in North Delhi Municipal Corporation (MedicalCollege) Hindu Rao Hospital.2. The reservation certificate should be issued from the Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Example:Candidate claiming for the seat reserved for Delhi SC/ST/OBC category then he has to bringSC/ST/OBC certificate issued by Govt. of NCT of Delhi and also passed his/her qualifyingexamination from Delhi.3. The Physically Handicapped/PWD Candidates having disability of lower limbs from 50% to 70%only are eligible and may apply as per the guidelines of the Medical Council of India/DentalCouncil of India. Such a candidate will be required to submit a valid disability certificate fromthe Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, 9, 10, 11, Karkardooma, VikasMarg, Delhi-110092, issued NOT more than three months prior to Counselling/Admission. Thecertificate as given in (as per Appendix 2) must indicate the nature and extent of physicaldisability as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India/ Dental Council of India. NoCertificate other than this shall be accepted for claiming the PH/PWD Seat. Provided that if theseat reserved for Physically Handicapped/Person with Disability remains unfilled due to nonavailabilityof eligible candidates(s) under this category, the same shall be treated asunreserved.PAGE: 59 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100787.1.3 Army College of Medical Sciences (ACMS)There were 100 seats for MBBS programme at ACMS, which are filled by wards/children of eligible ArmyPersonnel and reservation of seats of students of SC/ST category would be as per Govt. of NCT Of DelhiPolicy.Last year's Category-wise allocation of seats in the College is given below:S.No. Category No. of Seat1 Seats reserved for wards/widows of army personnel 792 DSC 143 AISC 24 DST 15 AIST 16 PWD 3Total 100The admission to the ACMS is for the children of eligible serving Army personnel, Ex Army personnel andwar widows/widows of the Army. The children of following categories of Army personnel are eligibleand they are required to submit the relevant certificate as given against the category applicable tothem as proof of their eligibility for admission to ACMS at time of Counseling/Admission:1. The applicants must fall into one of the following categoriesi. Children of serving Army personnel with minimum 10 years continuous service in the Army.ii. Children of Ex-Army personnel granted/awarded regular pension, family pension,liberalized family pension or disability pension at the time of their superannuation, demise,discharge or Release/Invalidment Medical Board. This includes children of recruitsmedically boaded out and granted disability pension.iii. Children of Ex-Army personnel who have taken discharge or been released aftert ten yearsof service.2. Adopted/step children and children of remarried widows:i. Adopted Children of Army personnel if adopted at least five years prior to seekingadmission.ii. Step children are eligible, provided they are born from a wedding where at least oneparent belonged to the Army and who is otherwise eligible.3. Eligibility Criteria in Special Cases :i. Children of Army Medical/Dental Corps Officers presently serving with Navy or Air Forcewho have served in the Army for at least 10 years.ii. Children of APS personnel classified as Ex-serviceman as per Govt. of India, Ministry ofDefense, letter No 9 (52)/88/D(Res) dated 19 Jul 89.iii. Children of APS personnel who are on deputation and who have put in 10 years of service inthe Army.iv. Children of APS personnel who are directly recruited into APS & competed 10 years ofservice and who as per their terms and conditions of service, retired from APS withoutreversion to P&T Department after completing their minimum pensionable service of which10 years was in the Army.v. Children of members of MNS who have 10 years service as regular members of MNS or are inreceipt of pension from the Children of TA personnel who have completed 10 years of embodied service.PAGE: 60 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078Important instruction for Candidates seeking admission in ACMS:1. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisitequalifications for admission. However, having been called for written test or counselling doesnot necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility. Final eligibility for admission will be decided bythe ACMS at the time of Counseling and also later during the scrutiny of documents by theUniversity. If a candidate is found to be ineligible at any time before or after thecommencement of course, the University/College reserves the right to cancel his/hercandidature without any refund of the fees/charges paid.2. Additional Documents required to be produced in Original alongwith a photocopy at the time ofCounseling/Admission to ACMS:i. Proof of eligible category (Submit Certificate as Applicable).ii. Original & Photocopy of PPO, Service Record/Discharge Book, Identity Card/ServingCertificate and Dependant Card.iii. Willingness Certificate3. Children of Air Force, Navy and Paramilitary forces like CRPF, BSF, ITBP, CISF, Assam Riffles,GREF and DSC are not eligible for the admission in ACMS.7.1.4 PWD reservation for MBBSOne seat for Physically Handicapped person will be filled on the basis of merit from any region orcategory. The Physically Handicapped Candidates having disability of lower limbs from 50% to 70% onlyare eligible and may apply as per the guidelines of the Medical Council of India. Such a candidate willbe required to submit a valid disability certificate from the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre forPhysically handicapped, 9, 10, 11, Karkardooma, Vikas Magr, Delhi – 110092 issued NOT more than threemonths prior to Counselling/ Admission. The certificate must indicate the nature and extent of physicaldisability as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India. No Certificate other than this shall beaccepted for claiming the PWD Seat. Provided that if the seat reserved for Physically Handicappedremains unfilled due to non-availability of eligible candidate(s) under this category, the same shall betreated as unreserved.7.2 PGMC1. Out of total seats that shall be available for admissions, 50% seats are reserved for All IndiaQuota, to be filled up on the basis of All India Entrance Test conducted by an institution onbehalf of DGHS, Government of India.2. The other 50% seats will be reserved for MBBS graduates of Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity. Reservation will be applicable in these seats as per policy of University as applicablefrom time to time for Schedule Caste (SC) Schedule Tribe (ST) and OBC candidates. Forreservation to Physically Challenged (PWD) candidates, guidelines of Medical Council of Indiawill be applicable. Earlier 50% quota was called 'State Quota', Since these 50% seats areexclusively for MBBS graduates of GGSIP University, hence these 50% seats will be termed as'GGSIP University Quota' (State Quota).3. Any change in regarding reservation policy, if taken by the Government (for the year 2016-17),the counselling will be conducted in accordance to that.Guidelines for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe SeatsIn case any seats reserved for the candidates belonging to SC/ST category remain unfilled due tononavailability of the eligible candidates under the said category, then the seats would be offered tothe other category, i.e., seats of SC to ST and vice-versa as the case may be. In case sufficient numberof eligible candidates of SC & ST is not available, the seats thus remaining vacant will be treated asunreserved. A Caste Certificate in the name of the applicant from a competent authority will have toPAGE: 61 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078be submitted at the time of Counselling. A list of approved authorities to issue the SC, ST and OBCCertificates are as under:-1. District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate, Deputy Commissioner, Collector, AdditionalDeputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate (not below the rank of1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate), City Magistrate, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Taluka Magistrate,Executive Magistrate and Extra Assistant Commissioner.2. Chief Presidency Magistrate, Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate or Presidency Magistrate.3. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.4. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides.5. Administrator, Secretary to the Administrator or the Development Officer (Lakshdweep &Minicoy Islands).Guidelines for reservation of Physically Handicapped/Persons with Disabilities (PWD) seats3% seats shall be reserved horizontally for the candidates belonging to Physically Challenged category.The seats for Physically challenged candidate will be reserved at roster point no. 33, 67 and 100 underthe 200 points roster. The Physically Challenged candidates with locomotary disorder having disabilityof lower limbs from 50% to 70% only are eligible and may apply as per the guidelines of the MedicalCouncil of India. Such candidates will be required to submit a certificate alongwith the photograph ofthe candidate duly attested by the issuing authority, from any one of the authorities listed below,indicating the nature and extent of physical disability.I. Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi.II. Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. Hospital, Delhi.III. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, Delhi.IV. Guru Gobind Singh Govt. Hospital, Delhi.V. Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Delhi.VI. Smt. Sucheta Kripalani Hospital, New Delhi.VII. Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital, Delhi.VIII.Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, Delhi.IX. Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital, Delhi.X. Rao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital, Delhi.XI. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.XII. Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.XIII.Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi.In case, the PWD candidates belong to Schedule Caste/ Schedule Tribe, OBC category, they should alsoenclose appropriate certificate as mentioned in above clause. Provided that if the seat reserved forPWD remains unfilled due to non-availability of eligible candidate(s) under this category the same shallbe treated as unreserved.In case the Physically challenged candidates belong to the same category which is shown at roster point33, 67, and 100 under 200 points roster, then there will be no change in the roster. In case the PWDcategory candidate belongs to some other category as shown at roster point 33, 67, 100 under the 200points roster then admission to PC category will be made at the respective roster point and roster willcontinue after inserting the PC category.7.3 SSMCNo reservation is applicable to the SSMC programmes/CETs for the purpose of admissions .PAGE: 62 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100787.4 BDSCategory wise allocation of seats in ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini Delhi depending upon thedirections of the Govt of India/Govt of NCT of Delhi shall be notified on the University before start of counseling/admissions for the session 2016-16. As per last year (2015-16)category wise seats distribution are given below:Sr.No. Category Number of Seat1 General 212 Other Backward Class 123 Physically Handicapped / PWD 14 Scheduled Caste 65 Scheduled Tribe 36 15% All India Quota to be filled up the candidates of AIPMT by CentralizedCounselling (Not by the University)7Total 50Note:To claim seat under BDS programme for the academic session 2016-17, the candidate must have studied11th and 12th classes regularly from a recognized school within the National Capital Territory of Delhi


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  2. why ipu is not accepting my bank account no, I have tried hundred of times during registration

  3. sir i'm unable to register for the ipu cet counselling i have completed the first step of registratio by submitting Rs.1000 fees for the counselling but i am unable to complete the second step. The moment i click submit the screen loads the following message.
    "school/college location and your region both should be same. If you want to change you region then report in person with relevant documents to GGSIPU after registration."
    Please help me!!!
