Monday, 21 March 2016
2015 2016 2018 2019 202 @9899390153
6.0.1 Relaxation in EligibilityCandidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Widows or Wards of Defence Personnel/Persons With Disability will be allowed 5% relaxation of marks in the minimum eligibility requirement,irrespective of the fact whether there exists any reservation for any category of such candidates or not.Note:Relaxation of any kind, as mentioned above and elsewhere in this Admission Brochure, will be grantedto only those candidates, who are able to produce necessary relevant supporting documents as per theAdmission Brochure before the Admission Officer present at the Venue of the Document Verification /Counselling /Admission. Therefore, for seeking these relaxation/s, necessary documents must beobtained in advance by all candidates from the Competent Authority as prescribed.6.1 B.Tech./M.Tech./B.Arch./Professional ProgrammesThe Reservation Policy for the University Schools, Government Institutes and Self Financing Colleges/Institutions affiliated with this University, other than minority institution, for the academic session2016-17 for these CETs is as:-PAGE: 52 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078For University Schools ofStudies and GovernmentInstitutions Located in NCT ofDelhi1For Institutions Located OutsideDelhi in NCR, except minoritystatus institutions2Self Financing InstitutionsLocated in NCT of Delhi exceptminority status institutions385% of the sanctioned intake shall beallocated for Delhi Region whereinreservation of seats shall be asunder:DSC - 15%DST - 7.5%DDef - 5%DPWD - 3%DOBC4 - 27%85% of the sanctioned intake (minusthe management quota which is 10%of total seats unless surrendered bythe institution for commoncounselling) shall be allocated forDelhi Region wherein reservation ofseats shall be as under:DSC - 17%DST - 1%DDef - 5%DPWD - 3%85% of the sanctioned intake (minusthe management quota which is 10%of total seats unless surrendered bythe institution for commoncounselling) shall be allocated forDelhi Region wherein reservation ofseats shall be as under:DSC - 15%DST - 7.5%DDef - 5%DPWD - 3%15% of the sanctioned intake shall beallocated for outside Delhi Regionwherein reservation of seats shall beas under:ODSC - 15%ODST - 7.5%ODDef - 5%ODPWD - 3%15% of the sanctioned intake (minusthe management quota which is 10%of total seats unless surrendered bythe institution for commoncounselling) shall be allocated foroutside Delhi Region whereinreservation of seats shall be asunder:ODSC - 15%ODST - 7.5%ODDef - 5%ODPWD - 3%15% of the sanctioned intake (minusthe management quota which is 10%of total seats unless surrendered bythe institution for commoncounselling) shall be allocated foroutside Delhi Region whereinreservation of seats shall be asunder:ODSC - 15%ODST - 7.5%ODDef - 5%ODPWD - 3%1 For B.Sc. Nursing at College of Nursing, Dr. RML Hospital and College of Nursing, SafdarjungHospital, BPO at Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, BASLP at Ali Yavar Jung Institute; andM.Phil. (Clinical Psychology) at Dr. RML Hospital; the seats are allocated on an all India Basiswith reservation as (SC: 15%, ST: 7.5%, Def: 5%, PWD:3%).2 For minority institutions located outside NCT of Delhi in NCR, the seats are reserved as perthe request of the Institution for the appropriate minority segment, and seats remainingthereafter are allocated on an all India basis with reservation for these all India region seatsas (SC: 15%, ST: 7.5%, Def: 5%, PWD:3%).3 For minority institutions located in the NCT of Delhi, the seats are reserved as per therequest of the Institution for the appropriate minority segment, and seats remainingthereafter are allocated on an regional basis with reservation as for self financing institutionslocated in NCT of Delhi.4 Reservation in OBC category is not applicable at Master's level and Post Graduate Diplomas.NOTE:1. The candidate seeking admission under reserved categories /classes has to mandatorily producethe caste/category certificate in his/her name at the time of counselling. The certificate inname of either of the parent (Mother/Father) is not acceptable and the candidate shall not beentitled / eligible for admission against reserved seat, even on the basis of any undertaking.2. The reservation certificate should be issued from the respective state/region in which thereservation is claimed e.g. in case any candidate claims for the seat reserved forDSC/DST/DOBC category then He/She has to bring SC/ST/OBC certificate issued by Govt. ofNCT of Delhi and also should have passed his/ her qualifying exam from Delhi School/College.3. 10% of the total seats (as per CET Code) will be allocated as management quota (unlesssurrendered by the college/institute) seats as per policy of Govt. of NCT of Delhi in selffinancing institutions. However in University Schools of Studies, Minority status Institutions andGovernment Institutions, there will be no Management Quota.PAGE: 53 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100786.1.1 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribesIn order to claim reservation under this Category, the candidate must have a rank in the merit list forthe specific CET Code. Any unfilled seat(s) reserved for Scheduled Castes will be treated as reserved forScheduled Tribes and vice-versa and will not be offered to any other reserved category. In casesufficient number of eligible candidates of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not available,the seats thus remaining vacant will be treated as unreserved after the last but one counselling of thereserved categories (That is, if there are three rounds of counselling, after the third round ofcounselling for the reserved category, the vacant / unallocated seats of reserved counselling shall beunreserved and offered to the unreserved / general /open category candidates in the last round ofcounselling).A list of approved Competent Authorities for the issuance of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribecertificates is as under:-i) District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate, Deputy Commissioner, Collector, AdditionalDeputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate, City Magistrate (notbelow the rank of 1st class Stipendiary Magistrate), Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Taluk Magistrate,Executive Magistrate and Extra Assistant Commissioner;ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate, Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate and Presidency Magistrate;iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar;iv) Administrator, Secretary to the Administrator or the Development Officer (Lakshdweep &Minicoy Islands).NOTE:1. The candidates belonging to the communities, which are not included in the list of ScheduledCastes for Delhi, in the Presidential order, will not be entitled to admission in the Universityagainst the seats reserved for Scheduled Castes candidates of the Delhi Region. The candidates,belonging to the communities, included in the list of Scheduled Castes, in the Presidentialorder, in relation to Delhi will be entitled to be considered for admission in the University,against the seats reserved for SC candidates, in terms of the Presidential order dated 20thSeptember, 1951, as amended time to time, by the law made in this regard.2. The required certificate (s) for reserved categories/ classes will be essential at the time of thecounselling/admission and no provisional admission shall be admissible for want ofcaste/category certificate from the local competent authority. Further, the caste/categorycertificate should invariably be in the name of candidate himself/herself and not in favour ofrespective parents/ guardians.3. In case of married woman, applying to any course under reserved category, the applicant has toproduce the caste certificate in her name. Certificate in the name of husband/ mother /fatheris not acceptable.4. However for Central Government Institutions, seat allocation is on all India basis among thecategory of seats including SC/ST.6.1.2 Defence CategoryIn order to claim reservation under this Category, the candidate must have a rank in the merit list forthe specific CET Code. The reservation for Defence Category will be in the following order of priority:-PRIORITY I – Widows/ wards of Defence Personnel/ Para Military Personnel killed in action.Required Certificate: Proof in Original.PRIORITY II - Wards of serving Defence personnel and ex-servicemen/ Para Military Personneldisabled in action. Required Certificate: Original disability certificate clearlyindicating the disability is attributable to Military Services.PRIORITY III - Widows/ wards of Defence Personnel/ Para Military Personnel who died inpeace time with death attributable to Military Service. Required Certificate:PAGE: 54 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078Original death certificate clearly indicating the cause of death is attributableto Military Services.PRIORITY IV - Wards of Defence Personnel / Para Military Personnel disabled in peace timewith disability attributable to Military Service. Required Certificate: Originaldisability certificate clearly indicating the disability is attributable to MilitaryServices.PRIORITY V - Wards of serving Defence personnel and ex-servicemen / Para-Military /PolicePersonnel who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards. Required Certificate: Proofin Original. Only the following Gallantry Awards shall be considered:1. Param Vir Chakra2. Ashok Chakra3. Sarvottam Yudh Seva Medal4. Mahavir Chakra5. Kirti Chakra6. Uttam Yudh Seva Medal7. Vir Chakra8. Shaurya Chakra9. Yudh Seva Medal10. Sena, Nau Sena, Vayu Sena MedalPRIORITY VI - Wards of Ex-serviceman (Defence Personnel only). Required Certificate:Original ex-servicemen Identity Card/ discharge book/ PPO (Pension PaymentOrder).PRIORITY VII - Wards of serving personnel (Defence Personnel only). Required Certificate:Original Service Identity Card and Dependent Card/ Certificate issued by theCompetent Authority.For claiming reservation on a seat reserved for Defence Category, entitlement card in original issued bythe Record Officer of the concerned unit or the regiment of the armed forces in case of personnel ofthe armed forces is to be produced as proof for claiming reservation in a particular category at thetime of counselling/admission.In addition to original entitlement card/ document as referred above, the candidate will also have tobring the relevant format as per Appendix 1 (Appendices shall be displayed on the University website by16th February, 2016) duly completed in original and signed by the competent authority which willbecome part of the Admission file.The policy of the University in regard to defence category in effect at the time of notification of thecounselling detailed schedule shall be used for admission of the academic session 2016-17.Note:1. Sena/ Nau Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal: This Medal is awarded for Gallantry as well as fordistinguished service. Accordingly, it is notified in correspondence as under:-i. Sena Medal (G)/ Nau Sena Medal (G)/ Vayu Sena Medal (G) for the medal awarded forGallantry.ii. Sena Medal (D)/ Nau Sena Medal (D)/ Vayu Sena Medal (D) for the medal awarded forDistinguished Service. However, for the purpose of reservation, only notification whichstates that the Sena Medal has been awarded for Gallantry will be accepted and theSena Medal for Distinguished Services will not be considered.s2. The expansion of the defence category to paramilitary (for priority I to priority V) and theinclusion of police personnel for priority V is as per the policy of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi,notified through the order No.F 6(32)/CC/2012-13/166 dated 11-04-2013.3. For admission to a seat reserved for Defence Category:i. Entitlement card in original issued by the Record Officer of the Unit/ Regiment of ArmedPAGE: 55 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078Personnel of the Armed Forces in case of Armed Personnel or from the Home Ministry in case ofPara-Military forces.ii. The Children/ Widow of the officers and men of Armed forces including paramilitarypersonnel who died or disabled on duty must submit a certificate to that effect from thefollowing authorities.i. Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board.ii. Secretary, Rajya/ Zila Sainik Board.iii. Officer-in-Charge, Record Office.Note: A statement to the effect that “the death/ disability is attributed to military service”is required to be included in the certificate.4. However, for Dr. R.M.L Hospital & PGIMER and Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, seatallocation is on all India basis among the category of seats including Defence.6.1.3 Persons With DisabilitiesA certificate from the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, 9,10,11Karkardooma, Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092, is to be produced at the time of counselling/ admission, whichwill certify that the applicant is fit for undergoing the said course (as per Appendix 2 to be notified onthe University website on or before 16th February, 2016). No certificate other than this shall be allowedfor availing seat under 'PWD' Category. This category shall also be considered as a synonym for thePhysically Handicapped (PH) Category.However for Central Government Institutions, seat allocation is on all India basis among the category ofseats including PWD.6.1.4 Other Backward Castes27% seats are reserved for Delhi OBC Category belonging to the list of OBC castes in Delhi. Thereservation will be available only in the University Schools of Studies and other GovernmentInstitutions. Students will be admitted in this category on the submission of a certificate to this effectfrom the Competent Authority of the Government of NCT of Delhi. Certificate issued by Govt. of Indiaor any state government will not be accepted under any circumstances. The reservation for OBCCategory is only for candidates who are from Delhi Region. A certificate issued by a CompetentAuthority of Delhi to an individual on the basis of Caste Certificate of his/her parents from anotherstate will be accepted for claiming a seat under OBC Category if and only if the caste is in the list ofnotified OBC list by Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Reservation in OBC Category is not applicable for Master'sLevel and Post Graduate Diploma programmes. The non-creamy layer cerificate should be issued after1st April, 2016.However for Central Government Institutions, seat allocation is on all India basis among the category ofseats including OBC.A list of approved Competent Authorities for the issuance of OBC certificates is as under:-i) District Magistrate, Additional District Magistrate, Deputy Commissioner, Collector, AdditionalDeputy Commissioner, Deputy Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate, City Magistrate (notbelow the rank of 1st class Stipendiary Magistrate), Sub-Divisional Magistrate, ExecutiveMagistrate.6.1.5 Minority InstitutionsSome of the self – financing institutions affiliated to the University have a minority status. In theseinstitutions a part or all the seats are reserved for the (concerned) minority. For the remaining seats(sanctioned intake minus the seats reserved for the minority community) shall have statutoryreservations as for self-financing institutions.PAGE: 56 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100786.1.6 Jammu & Kashmir MigrantsOne seat, which will be supernumerary in nature is earmarked for Kashmiri migrants in each Institution.Admission will be based on merit through CET-2016. A certificate of competent authority for availingadmission against Kashmiri Migrant Quota is to be produced by the candidates at the time ofcounselling/ admission. Since the seats of Kashmiri Migrant Quota are supernumery, they will not beconverted at all in any other category in case they remain unfilled.NOTE FOR SECTION 6.1:1. The required certificate (s) for reserved categories/ classes will be essential at the time of thecounselling/admission and no provisional admission shall be admissible for want ofcaste/category certificate from the local competent authority. Further, the caste/categorycertificate should invariably be in the name of candidate himself/herself and not in favour ofrespective parents/guardians.2. In case of married woman applying to any course under reserved category has to produce thecaste/tribe certificate in the name of herself. Certificate in the name ofhusband/mother/father is not acceptable.3. The conversion of seats reserved for SC, ST, DEF, PWD, Minority, etc. to General Category shallbe done only after the completion of last counselling for the reserved categories and no suchconversion will be allowed during the 1st counselling. However, while converting the seats, anyunfilled seat(s) reserved for ST Category will be offered to SC Category and vice versa and onlyafter that the conversion of the reserved category seats shall be effected.4. Any change in the reservation policy will be taken by the Government of NCT of Delhi (for theacademic session 2016-17) and the same will be announced on University's Website( Clarification for Admissions in Reserved Category: Admission will be permissible to qualifiedcandidates in any programme in the following conditions:-i. If qualifying examination is passed from Delhi and Reservation certificate issued from Delhifor SC/ST/OBC categories, then admission is permissible under Delhi Reserved category.ii. If qualifying examination is passed from Outside Delhi and Reservation certificate issuedfrom anywhere in India, including Delhi for SC/ST categories, then admission is permissibleunder Outside Delhi Reserved category.iii. If qualifying examination is passed from Delhi and Reservation certificate issued fromOutside Delhi for SC/ST categories, then admission is permissible only under Delhi Generalcategory.6.2 Graduate and Post-Graduate Medical Programmes of StudiesFor Category-Wise distribution of seats and reservation policy see Chapter 7.PAGE:
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