Monday, 21 March 2016

GGSIPU UNIVERSITY COUNSELLOR ASK YOUR QUESTION 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020 @9899390153

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CHAPTER- 8:Preparation of CET Merit8.1 B.Tech. / M.Tech. / Professional Programme CETThe inter-se-merit of candidates securing equal aggregate marks in Common Entrance Test will bedetermined according to the following criteria:1. For B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree) (IT, CSE, ECE, CT & BCE), B.Tech (IT, CSE, ECE, MAE, PE,ENE, TE, CVE, ICE, EEE, EE, ME, MET etc.) programmes.i. The candidates getting higher marks in Mathematics part of CET shall rank higher.ii. In case of candidates securing equal marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics: as well as in Mathematics separately in CET, then the candidate gettinghigher marks in Physics shall rank higher.iii. In case of tie in (i) and (ii) above, the candidate older in age shall rank higher.2. For B.Tech. Bio-Technology programme.i. The candidates getting higher marks in Biology/Bio-Technology in CET shall rank higher;ii. In case of candidates securing equal marks in the aggregate of PCB /PC Bio-Technology aswell as in Biology/ Bio-Technology separately in CET, then the candidate getting highermarks in Chemistry shall rank higher.iii. In case of candidates securing equal marks in the aggregate of PCB /PC Bio-Technology,equal marks in Biology/ Bio-Technology separately in CET, and equal marks in Chemistrythen the candidate getting higher marks in Physics shall rank higher.iv. In case of tie in (I), (ii) and (iii) above, the candidate older in age shall rank higher.3. For M.Tech. programme : The procedure for preparing Merit list is given in Chapter 2 of thisdocument for GATE candidates. For candidates appearing in the CET conducted by theUniversity, the inter-se merit for candidates obtaining equal marks shall be decided on the basisof age, that is, the candidate older in age shall rank higher.4. For Master of Science (Environment Management) Programme.i. The candidates getting higher marks in Environment Science shall rank higher;ii. In case of candidates securing equal marks in the aggregate as well as in the EnvironmentScience separately in CET, then the candidate getting higher marks in Chemistry shall rankhigher.iii. In case of tie in (i) and (ii) above, the candidate older in age shall rank higher5. For Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT), Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO), BAMS, BHMS,BASLP, B.Sc.(MLT) and B.Sc Nursing (CET Code 124):i. The candidates getting higher marks in Biology shall rank higher;ii. In case of candidates securing equal marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry, Biologyas well as in Biology separately in CET, then the candidate getting higher marks inChemistry shall rank higher;iii. In case of tie in (i) and (ii) above, the candidate older in age shall rank higher.6. For all other programmes, except as mentioned above from (1) to (5), the candidate older inage shall rank higher.Note: For all the above programmes, if it is found that after considering all the above criteria,there is still tie for merit, then marks in the qualifying examination shall be considered fordetermining the rank. If marks of qualifying examination are not available or are equal, thenthe marks obtained by the candidate in public examination passed prior to the qualifyingexamination shall be considered to decide inter-se-merit.7. For Programmes, where no CET will be held, admission and selection procedure will befollowed as per details given in chapter 2 of this part.PAGE: 64 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100788.2 MBBS / BDS/ PGMC / SSMC8.2.1. MBBS /BDSIn the case of a tie i.e. the candidates obtaining equal marks in the Common Entrance Test, the inter-semerit will be decided on their performance in the Common Entrance Test: CET Code 103 (Stage – IIonly) for MBBS and CET Code 104 for BDS, by first eliminating the marks secured in the Physics portionof the CET, and if there is still a tie then by eliminating the marks secured in the Chemistry portion ofthe CET and if there is still a tie then by eliminating the marks secured in the Botany portion of theCET. If a tie still exists, the candidate older in age will be preferred.8.2.2 PGMCIn case where two or more candidates obtain equal marks in CET: PGMC 2016, the inter-se merit of suchcandidates will be determined in order of preference as mentioned below:1. The candidate, who has secured higher aggregate of marks after taking into considerationmarks secured in the three professional examinations of M.B.B.S. course, will be placed higherin merit for admission.2. If such candidates also have equal marks in M.B.B.S. course (after taking into considerationmarks secured in the three professional examinations), then the candidate older / oldest in agewill rank higher in merit for admission.8.2.3 SSMCIn case where two or more candidates obtain equal marks in CET: SSMC 2016, the inter-se merit of suchcandidates will be determined in order of preference as mentioned below:1. The candidate who has passed the qualifying examination (MD/MS/DNB) in the first / lessnumber of attempts will be given preference for admission.2. If the candidate in the tie of marks has passed the qualifying examination (MD/MS/DNB) in thesame number of attempts, then the candidate who has got more aggregate marks, taking intoconsideration marks of all the three professional examinations of MBBS course together, will begiven preference for admission.3. If the candidates have equal marks in MBBS also, after taking into consideration marks of all thethree professional examinations, then the candidate older/ oldest in age will be givenpreference for admission.PAGE: 65 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078CHAPTER- 9:Offline Counselling Procedure9.1 Admission Through First Counselling9.1.1 Applicable to All Programmes1. Detailed schedule of first counselling/admissions indicating the number of qualified candidatesto be called for counselling will be displayed on or before 5.00 p.m. on the University's Website( one week (05 working days) prior to commencement of counselling. Venue ofCounselling & list of institutions along with the intake in the respective programme/s forAcademic Session 2016-17 will be notified on the University's Website before thecommencement of counselling.2. The candidates should report at the notified venue, on the scheduled date and time forcounselling/admission in-person along with the documents mentioned in the detailedcounselling schedule. On reaching the venue, the candidates must mark the Attendanceavailable with the admission officer. Allotment of seats to the candidates will be made onlywhen he/ she attends the counselling session in person.3. The counselling processing fee shall be Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable). This fee shall be requiredto be paid by any (qualified) candidate desirous of taking admission.4. Firstly, the candidates will be called in order of merit/rank, (for M.Tech Programme, thecandidates will be called in order of qualified & valid GATE Score/Merit first, and if seatsremain vacant, then on the basis of CET merit / rank) for all programmes other than M.Tech.Biotechnology for which only GATE qualified candidates with valid score are eligible. Thecandidates shall have to produce the required documents for verification. Depending upon themerit, the seats will be offered to the candidates as per availability of seat at that point oftime. Each candidate will have to choose from/ out of those available when his/her turncomes.5. Admission Officer will give a duly signed Admission Slip after the deposition of the complete fee(as required for the programme at the time of counselling) by the candidate. No candidateshould leave the venue of counselling without receiving the Admission Slip. The candidate mustcheck details printed/written in the admission slip.6. A candidate who fails to appear in person on the notified venue, date and time for counselling,shall forfeit his/her claim for the seat which could be offered to him/her, had he/she beenpresent on his/her turn. However, if the candidate reports late or reports on subsequent daysduring the process of counselling, he/she may be considered for allotment of a seat available atthat point of time for a particular category to which he/she belongs.7. A candidate who is allotted a seat will be required to pay notified fee immediately on the spotat the time of counselling/admission. If a candidate fails to pay the fee, as mentioned aboveimmediately after the seat is offered to him/her, the offer will be withdrawn on the spot andthe seat will be allotted to the next candidate in the merit list. Part payment or paymentthrough cash/cheque will not be accepted under any circumstances.8. The students admitted in first counselling would NOT be allowed to change the programme/institute during the subsequent days of first counselling. However, they may change theprogramme/institute during second counselling within the ambit of the programmes/institutesincluded in the specific CET Code after depositing an additional sum of Rs. 5,000/- in the formof a fresh Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha Universitypayable at Delhi, however, this will be subject to availability of vacant seats. No change shall,however, be permitted for a programme for which a separate Entrance Test, has beenconducted by the University.Important Note: The change of programme/ Institute in the specific CET Code during 2ndcounselling is applicable for all programmes excepting Medical (PGMC only) programmes.9. The candidates are also advised, in their own interest to check the details of fee paid, theirname, rank, programme, institute of admission, etc. on Admission Slip issued to him/her by theAdmission Officer before leaving the counselling hall. Any discrepancy in name, Choice ofPAGE: 66 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078allotment of seat etc. should be brought to the notice of Admission Officer. No representationregarding wrong allotment of seat will be entertained if the candidate leaves the venuewithout raising any discrepancy, no entertainment of any discrepancy in Admission Slip will bedone at later stage by the University.10. Admissions will be made strictly on merit basis (Rank-wise) and counselling/admissions will stopwhen all the seats get filled-up. Notice regarding closure of counselling will be displayed on theUniversity Website. Parents/candidates are advised to check the University Website beforecoming for counselling. University will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused toparents/candidates due to closure of the counselling prior to dates notified in the CounsellingSchedule.11. The rules and procedures of the counselling / admission shall be notified at the time of start ofcounselling process. This admission brochure shall be treated only as a general guideline.9.1.2 For all programmes other than graduate and post graduate medicalprogramme/CET1. The conversion of seats reserved for SC, ST, DEF, PH, Minority, etc. to General Category shall bedone only after completion of last round of counselling for the reserved category in case ofoffline counselling. For online counselling the conversion will be done in the last round ofcounselling. No such conversion will be allowed during the 1st counselling. However, whileconverting the seats during last round of counselling, any unfilled seat(s) reserved for STCategory will be offered to SC Category and vice versa and only after completing this exercise,the conversion of the reserved category seats to general category shall be effected.2. De-reservation of unfilled Outside Delhi Quota Seats to Delhi Quota and Vice versa: In theOffline Counselling, Seats reserved for Outside Delhi Category will be converted to DelhiCategory and Vice versa during the Open House Counselling (which will only be held if seats arevacant after 2nd round of counselling has been completed in the respective region). It isclarified that no such conversion will be allowed during

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