Monday, 21 March 2016


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Professional Programmes1.4.1 CET for Post – Graduate Programmes of StudiesS.No. Name of CET AbbreviatedName of CETCETCode1 MBA CET for the following programmes:1. Master of Business Administration2. Master of Business Administration (Financial Markets)3. Master of Business Administration (International Business)MBA 1012 Master of Business Administration (Information Technology) MBA(IT) 1163 MCA CET for the following programmes:1. Master of Computer Applications2. Master of Computer Applications (Software Engineering)MCA 1054 Master of Arts (Mass Communication) MAMC 1065 MPT CET for the following programmes:1. Master of Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal)2. Master of Physiotherapy (Neurology)3. Master of Physiotherapy (Sports)4. Master of Physiotherapy (Cardiopulmonary)MPT 1076 Master Occupational Therapy (Neurology) MOT 1087 Master of Prosthetics and Orthotics MPO 1098 Master of Public Health (Field Epidemiology) MPH(FE) 1109 Master of Science (Environment Management) MSCEM 11110 Master of Laws – LLM (1 year) (Regular) LLM 11211 Master of Arts (English) MAENG 11312 Master of Arts (Criminology) MACRIM 11813 Master of Science (Forensic Sciences) MSCF 11914 Master of Education - M.Ed. MED 12015 Master of Science (Biodiversity & Conservation) MSCBC 12316 CET for the following programmes:1. Master of Arts (Conservation, Preservation and Heritage Management)2. Master of Arts (Archaeology and Heritage Management)MAHERIT 14117 Master of Science (Natural Resource Management) MSCNRM 14518 Master of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology ) MPHILCP 15719 Master of Computer Applications (Dual Degree) MCADD 14220 Master of Philosophy (English) MPHILE 16121 Master of Arts (Economics) MAECO 16222 Master of Computer Applications (Lateral Entry) MCALE 163PAGE: 6 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078NOTE:1. All applicants must appear in the appropriate CET for admission.2. Only CET qualified applicants shall be considered for admission, through the Universitycounselling, subject to fulfillment of eligibility and admission criteria.1.4.2 CET for Programmes of Studies at Graduation LevelS.No. Name of CET AbbreviatedName of CETCETCode1 Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA 1142 Bachelor of Science (Nursing)(Only for Unmarried Female Candidates)BSCN 1153 CET for the following programmes of studies:1. Integrated (Bachelor of Arts) – (Bachelor of Laws) : BALLB2. Integrated (Bachelor of Business Administration) - (Bachelor of Laws) :BBALLBLLB 1214 CET for the following programmes of studies:1. Bachelor of Education2. Bachelor of Special EducationBED 1225 CET for the following programmes of studies1. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)2. Bachelor of Prosthetics and Orthotics (BPO)3. Bachelor of Science (Medical Lab. Technology) (BSCMLT)4. Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP)5. Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)6. Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)PARA 1246 CET for BBA & Allied Programmes:1. Bachelor of Business Administration2. Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Insurance)3. Bachelor of Business Administration (Computer Aided Management)BBA 1257 Bachelor of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication) BJMC 1268 Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology BHMCT 1279 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) BCOM 14610 Bachelor of Science (Yoga) BSCY 11711 Bachelor of Science (Medical Technology – Radio Technology) BSC(MTRT) 15812 Bachelor of Vocation Programmes in(a) Automobile(b) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning(c) Printing and Publishing(d) Software Development(e) Mobile Communications(f) Power Distribution Management(g) Construction Technology(h) Consumer Electronics(I) Applied Arts & Interior Design (Only for Female Candidates)BVOC* 200* Separate notification regarding admissions to the Bachelor of Vocation programmes shall be issuedby the University.NOTE:1. All applicants must appear in the appropriate CET for admission.2. Only CET qualified applicants shall be considered for admission, through the Universitycounselling subject to fulfillment of eligibility and admission criteria.PAGE: 7 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100781.4.3 Post Graduate Diploma ProgrammesS.No. Name of Programme AbbreviatedNameCETCode1 Post Graduate Diploma in Radiological Physics PGDRP 1512 Post Graduate Diploma in Women Empowerment PGDWE 164NOTE:1. There shall be no CET for admissions to these Post Graduate Diploma Programme. Forprocedure of admissions to these programmes the applicants should see Chapter 2 of thisadmission brochure.1.4.4 Programmes of Studies for which classes are conducted on weekendsS.No. Name of Programme AbbreviatedNameCETCode1 Master of Business Administration (with sectorial specialization) MBAW 1552 Master of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication) MAJMCW 1763 Master of Law for the following programmes1. LLM (Cyber Law & Cyber Crime)2. LLM (Intellectual & Industrial Property Law)LLMW 1814 Master of Business Administration (Disaster Management) MBADM 186NOTE:1. No CET shall be conducted for these programme / programme groups. For procedure ofadmissions to these programmes the applicants should see Chapter 2 of this admissionbrochure.1.5 Graduate and Post-Graduate Medical Programmes of StudiesS.No. Name of CET AbbreviatedName of CETCETCode1 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery MBBS 1032 Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS 1043 Post Graduate Medical Courses (Degree/ Diploma) PGMC 1024 D.M.(Cardiology) DMCARD 1325 M.Ch. (CTVS) MCHCTVS 1336 M.Ch.(Neuro Surgery) MCHNS 1347 DM (Neurology) DMN 1358 M.Ch.(Burns, Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery) MCHBPMS 1369 DM (Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine) DMPCCM 13810 M.Ch (Paediatrics Surgery) MCHPAED 14311 M.Ch. (Urology) MCHURO 144NOTE:1. All applicants must appear in the appropriate CET for admission.2. Only CET qualified applicants shall be considered for admission subject to fulfillment ofeligibility and admission criteria.PAGE: 8 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100781.6 Application Form FeeAll the candidates shall submit application forms only through online mode for all Common EntranceTests 2016. The application form is available at the University website Theapplication form along with the Common Entrance Test Fee of Rs.1000/- excluding processing chargesand taxes, as applicable, shall be available from 30th January, 2016, onwards (Unless specifiedotherwise). The Admit Cards can be downloaded by using candidates log-in ID and password, online.1.8 Important Dates/Time1. Start of application submission for all CET Codes(except B.Arch. - CET Code: 100) : 30th January, 2016Last Date of application submission for PGMC (CET Code: 102) : 1st March, 20162. Last date for application submission for all other CET codes,other than PGMC (CET Code: 102), MBAW(CET Code:155),PGDRP (CET Code: 151), PGDWE (CET Code: 164),MAJMCW (CET Code: 176), LLMW(CET Code: 181),MBADM(CET Code: 186) and B.Arch. (CET Code: 100) : 29th March, 20163. Last Date of application submission for MBAW (CET Code: 155),PGDRP (CET Code: 151), PGDWE (CET Code: 164),MAJMCW (CET Code: 176), LLMW(CET Code: 181),MBADM(CET Code: 186) : 17th May, 20164. Start of application submission for B.Arch. (CET Code: 100) : 1st June, 20165. Last Date of application submission for B.Arch. (CET Code: 100) : 4th July, 20166. The applications should be submitted on or before the last date. On the last date ofapplication, the application can be submitted by 4.00PM only.1.9 Important Instructions1. The term “University”, in this admission brochure shall mean the Guru Gobind SinghIndraprastha University.2. The application forms shall be available in the online mode only from the University Website: The last date of application may be extended for any programme or programme group forwhich a common entrance test is to be conducted by the University.4. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether he/she possess the requisiteeligibility and qualifications for admission. Appearing for the written examination does notnecessarily mean acceptance of eligibility (Chapter 2).5. The applicants are advised that since the form filling as well as admit cards shall be madeavailable through the online mode only, they must keep the details of their login id and thepassword secure and safe.6. Applicants should be careful in choosing the CETs that they apply for, as no change would bepermissible after the application has been submitted.7. From the merit of a specific CET Code, admissions are in general made to a specific set ofprogrammes of studies. This document illustrates the list of programmes to which admissionswere made in the academic session 2015-16. The University may add or remove programmes ofstudies from any or all CET Codes.8. After the application for any CET is submitted, if there is any mistake in date of birth, spellingmistake in name of applicants or the parents name or in the choice of category claimed for thepurpose of availing reservation, the applicant must submit an application in physical form(together with applicable processing fees of Rs. 500/-) to:Reception, Examination Division, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.This application must be submitted within 5 working days of the last date of form submissionPAGE: 9 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078together with the applicable fees. After this no request for any correction shall be entertained.9. A Separate Application Form has to be filled-in for each programme (s) having distinct CETCode.10. No separate intimation will be sent to the candidates regarding declaration of results andcommencement of counselling/ admission. Result will be declared on University Website( Detailed schedule of first counselling/admissions will be notified priorto commencement of respective counselling, on the University Website ( dates of commencement of first and second counselling shall be notified on or before16th February, 2016. The schedule may be deferred if the sanctioned intake for the respectiveprogramme is not received by the University in time.11. The University will declare and display the ranks of only those candidates who are declared asqualified in the CET-2016. The candidates will be called for counselling/admission dependingupon the number of seats available in each programme. The admissions will be made only outof these qualified candidates strictly in order of merit. The rank of candidates who do notqualify in CET-2016 will not be declared.12. Applicants should retain a printout of the CET application form as proof of application.13. In all communications regarding submission of application or otherwise related to admissions,the copy of the application form must be submitted as otherwise the communication would bedeemed incomplete and no processing would be performed on the communication, without anynotice to the applicant.14. There will be no rounding-off of the percentage of marks of qualifying examination whiledeciding the basic eligibility of any candidate for admission e.g. if a candidate obtained 49.99%marks in his/her qualifying examination, then it will not be rounded-off to 50%.15. The tentative schedule of counselling together with all appendices shall be notified on theUniversity website on or before 16.02.2016 while the detailed schedule shallbe notified after declaration of merit/result of the CET.16. The list of documents required shall be informed through the detailed counselling schedule asnotified on the University website The candidates are advised to check their status with the help of the login id and password.18. Write the complete e-mail address and phone number in the form carefully. Please note thatthis e-mail address and phone number may be used by the University for future communication.19. The nomenclature of degrees to the admitted programmes of studies shall be as per thenotification of the University Grants Commission for “Specification of Degrees”.20. No admitted student pursuing a programme of study from the Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity is allowed to pursue any other (2nd or more) degree / diploma programme of studyfrom any University including GGSIPU. If at any stage it found that an admitted student hasregistered for more than one programme of study in GGSIPU or any other University, theadmission of such a candidate shall be cancelled from all programmes of studies of GGSIPU.21. All candidates desirous of seeking admission to any programme of study and/or any institution(including the University Schools of Studies) affiliated to the University, shall be bound by theconditions as laid down in this admission brochure; and the rules and regulations as enshrinedin the University Act, Statutes, Ordinances, notifications and guidelines issued from time totime.22. For formats of self-declaration / affidavits / undertakings required at the time of admissions,all candidates are advised to see PART – B of the Admission Brochure.23. All admitted students to any programme / institution (affiliated institutions of the Universityand / or University Schools of Studies) and their parents/guardian shall have to give an affidavit/ undertaking for not indulging in any Ragging during the tenure of the student in theUniversity.24. The guidelines specified in this admission brochure are without prejudice to any measuresundertaken by the University in compliance of any law or directions of the Hon'ble Courts; orany directions / notifications of the Government of NCT of Delhi and / or Government of India.PAGE: 10 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA

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