Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Admission Query in IP university for and Mbbs – Delhi

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Admission Query in IP university for and
Mbbs – Delhi

1. Syllabi and Schedule of CET 2013 is detailed below:A: For B.TECH PROGRAMMESCET Programme Subjects of Entrance Test* Date, Day & Date & DayCode Time of of DeclarationCET-2013 of CET Result128 • Lateral Entry to B.Tech. (Engineering/ (i) Applied Mechanics-(25%) 04.05.2013 15.05.2013Technology) programmes (2nd yr/3rd (ii) Applied Mathematics-(25%) (Saturday) (Wednesday)semester) for Diploma Holders (iii) Fundamentals of Electrical 2:00 - 4:30 p.m.Engineering andElectronics-(25%)(iv) Fundamentals of MechanicalEngineering & ComputerAwareness-(25%).129 • Lateral Entry in B.Tech. for B.Sc (i) B.Sc Level Mathematics- (40%) 04.05.2013 15.05.2013Graduates (2nd yr/3rd semester) (ii) English (10+2 level)-(20%) (Saturday) (Wednesday)(iii) Analytical & Logical 2:00 - 4:30 p.mReasoning - (20%)(iv) Scientifi c Aptitude - (20%)130 • B.Tech./M.Tech. (Dual Degree) (i) Physics-(25%), 09.06.2013 17.06.2013(BioTechnology) (ii) Chemistry-(25%) and (Sunday) (Monday)(iii) Biology (Botany and Zoology) 02:00-4:30 p.m.or Biotechnology -(50%)131 • B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree) (i) Physics-(33.33%), 19.05.2013 05.06.2013Chemical Engg. (ii) Chemistry-(33.33%) and (Sunday) (Wednesday)• B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree) (iii) Mathematics-(33.33%) 2:00-4:30 p.m.Bio-chemical Engineering• B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree)Information Technology• B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree)Computer Science & Engg.• B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Dual Degree)Electornics & Communication Engg.,• B.Tech. (Information Technology,Computer Science & Engg., Electronics& Communication Engg., Mechanical& Automation Engg., Power Engg.,Electrical & Electronics Engg., CivilEngg., Environment Engg. , Tool Engg.,and Instrumentation & Control Engg.)* Syllabi for CET Code 128, for the prescribed subjects shall be of Diploma level. Syllabi for CET Code 130 and 131,for the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology (Botany & Zoology) or Biotechnology shall be as specifi edby CBSE for class 11th and 12th under the 10+2 Scheme for the students passing class 12th in the year 2013.7 Syllabi and Schedule of CET 2013

CET Programme Syllabus for CET Date, Day & Date of
Code (For Non GATE time of Declaration
Candidates) CET-2013 of CET Result
139 • M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engg.) As per Syllabus of GATE- 12.05.2013 22.05.2013
• M.Tech. (Information Tech) 2013 - Computer Science (Sunday) (Wednesday)
• M.Tech. (Information Security) and Information Technology 02:00-04:30pm
• M.Tech. (Information Tech) Weekend
• M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engg)
140 • M.Tech. (Digital Communication) As per Syllabus of GATE 18.05.2013 29.05.2013
• M.Tech (ECE) 2013 - Electronics & (Saturday) (Wednesday)
• M.Tech. (Signal Processing) Communication Engineering 02.00 - 04.30pm
• M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engg.)
• M.Tech. (VLSI Design)
• M.Tech. (ECE- Weekend)
2) List of City/ Centre for Common Entrance Test (CET-2013)
(i) The CET for B.Tech programmes CET (code 131) will be held at following centres provided suffi cient number of candidates
opt for a particular centre:
S.No. Name of the City / Centre Centre Code
1. Bangalore 51
2. Bhopal 52
3. Chandigarh 53
4. Dehradun 54
5. Delhi 55
6. Jaipur 56
7. Jallandhar 57
8. Kolkata 58
9. Lucknow 59
(ii) The Common Entrance Tests for LE- B.Tech and B.Tech / M.Tech (Dual Degree) Bio-Technology Programmes
(CET Codes- 128,129 & 130) & M.Tech Programmes (CET Code- 139, 140 ) will be held in Delhi only.
(iii) Every Common Entrance Test will be of 2½ hours duration. Medium of all Common Entrance Tests will be English.
(iv) The choices indicated by the candidates in respect to the Centres of Entrance Examination shall
only be considered as their preferred choices. The actual Centre Code will be allotted by the University
and the same shall be considered as fi nal. Neither any change in the preferences already indicated by
the candidate shall be allowed by the University nor any correspondence in this regard will be
entertained under any circumstances. The University may drop any of the above mentioned centres
if sufficient number of candidates are not available or for any other reason deemed appropriate to
drop the centre.
(v) In case University decides to drop both the preferences of centres given by the candidate then, in
such circumstances, 'Delhi' centre will be alloted.
(i) A Separate Application Form has to be fi lled-in for each programme (s) having distinct CET / Programme Code.
(ii) No separate intimation will be sent to the candidates regarding declaration of results and commencement
of counselling/admission. Result will be declared on University Website ( Detailed schedule of
fi rst counselling/admissions will be notifi ed prior to commencement of respective counselling, on the University's
Website ( Tentative dates of commencement of fi rst and second counselling, are given in Chapter
11. The dates for counselling as given in Chapter 11 may be deferred if the sanctioned intake for the respective
programme is not received by the University in time.
(iii) The University will declare and display the ranks of only those candidates who are declared as qualifi ed in the
CET-2013. The candidates will be called for counselling/admission depending upon the number of seats available
in each programme. The admissions will be made only out of these qualifi ed candidates strictly in order of interse-
merit. The rank of candidates who do not qualify in CET-2013 will not be declared.

1. Detailed Guidelines for filling up of the
Application Form are given in Appendix : 1.
A specimen copy of CET Application Form
is given at Appendix : 2
2. The applicants are advised to retain a photocopy
of the duly fi lled-in Application Form before the
same is submitted to the University.
3. Online Submission of Application Form
For the convenience to the applicants as well
as their parents/guardians, the University is also
providing the facility of On-Line Submission of
Application Form for CET-2013. The application
form along with the Common Entrance Test
Fee of Rs.1000/- and Rs.100/- as postage and
handling can be submitted through the Internet
Link(to be notifi ed on the University Website, 20th February 2013
onwards.The Admit Cards will, however, be sent
only by registered post.
4. Last Dates for Submission of Application
Form by Online/Hand/Post
S.No. Programmes Date & Time
1. B.Tech./M.Tech 09th April, 2013
(Dual Degree)/ Tuesday - 5 pm
B.Tech programmes
2. M. Tech programmes 09th April, 2013
Tuesday - 5 pm
5. Submission by Hand/Post
The Application Form complete in all respects
in the sealed printed envelope given along with
Admission Brochure, should be submitted by
hand at the University counter or it may be sent
by Registered/Speed Post to the Controller of
Examinations, Administrative Block, Guru
Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Sector-16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 latest
by the dates as mentioned above.
Note : After the last date is over, application form
sent through Registered /Speed Post or by any
other means will not be accepted, irrespective of
the fact when the form was despatched/posted.
Therefore, candidates are advised to submit
their applications at the earliest, instead of
waiting for the last date.
6. One application form is valid only for One CET
Code. For applying in more than One CET
Code, the applicant should purchase separate
Admission Brochure and apply separately.
7. Display of Information on the University's
Website regarding receipt of Application Forms
for all Common Entrance Tests 2013:
(i) On 19th April, 2013 at 5.00 p.m. the details
of application forms received by the
Offi ce of the Controller of Examinations
upto the last date i.e. 09th April, 2013 will
be displayed on the University Website
( The candidates are
advised to check their status with the help
of Application Form number indicated on
the Application Form.
(ii) In case any candidate, who has submitted
the application form either by post or inperson,
does not fi nd his/her application
form number on the University's Website,
then he/she is advised to contact the
Offi ce of Controller of Examinations, Guru
Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Delhi, immediately (but not later than
30th April, 2013) alongwith the relevant
particulars (photocopy of the duly fi lled-in
CET Application Form and proof of its
delivery to the University). In case of
any query, candidate may contact on
011-25302287 (Only admit card related
8. No document (copies of certifi cates, mark
sheets etc.) is required to be attached with
the Application Form for B.Tech Courses.
9. Write the complete address by giving
your name and PIN CODE carefully
and legibly. Please note that this address
will be used by the University for all the
correspondence in future. Therefore, it
should be very clearly written with black
ball point pen only. The address should be
properly fi lled up in the prescribed boxes
and should not overfl ow. The University will
not be responsible for any loss in transit or
for incorrect address given by the applicant
in the CET Application Form. No request for
change of address will be entertained till the
admission is fi nalized.
A: For Programes where CET will be held

Programme/ Programme Name Where To Submit Sale of Last Date for Last Date for
CET Code The Complete Admission Request for Submission of
Application Form Brochures Brochure Application
W.E.F. by Post Forms
139 M.Tech. (Computer Controller of Examination, GGSIPU, 15.02.2013 29.03.2013 09.04.2013
Science & Engineering) Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-78
M.Tech. (Information Technology)
M.Tech. (Information Security)
M.Tech. (Information Technology)
M.Tech. (Computer
Science & Engineering) Weekend
140 M.Tech. (Digital Communication) Controller of Examination, GGSIPU, 15.02.2013 29.03.2013 09.04.2013
M.Tech. (ECE) Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-78
M.Tech. (Signal Processing)
M.Tech. (RF & Microwave Engg.)
M.Tech. (VLSI Design)
M.Tech. (ECE- Weekend)
152 M.Tech. (Food Processing Dean, USBT, GGSIPU, Sector 16C, 15.02.2013 29.03.2013 09.04.2013
Technology) Dwarka, New Delhi-78
161 M.Tech. (Engineering Physics) Dean, USBAS, GGSIPU, 15.02.2013 29.03.2013 09.04.2013
M.Tech. (Nano Science and Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-78
166 M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Dean, USCT, GGSIPU, 15.02.2013 29.03.2013 09.04.2013
Sector-16C, Dwarka, New Delhi-78
B: For M.Tech Programmes where no CET will be held (including GATE qualifi ed)
1. The CET Application Form along with relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 complete in
all respects, should be submitted by hand or by speed post to the Controller of Examination/
Respective Schools of the University as mentioned in table below, super-scribing GATE/NON
GATE for M.Tech Programmes and the name of the Programme with its Programme/CET Code
within the last date as mentioned in table below up to 5 p.m. along with the eligibility documents,
if applicable.
2. The applicant has to fi ll the relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 along with the CET
application form.
3 Attested copy of degree certifi cate and marks-sheet of the qualifying examination clearly
showing the marks obtained by the candidate in the degree. (Wherever grades/CPI/CGPA etc
are awarded, attach a sheet showing the calculation of overall percentage). CPI awarded by
GGSIP University to be treated as equivalent to percentage.
4 Result of qualifying examination.
5 Photocopy of documents showing working experience upto the cut-off date.
6. Proof of Date of Birth certifi cate.
7. Photocopy of certifi cates for claiming admission under reserved category.
8. Write the complete address by giving your name and PIN code carefully and legibly. Please note
that this address will be used by the University for all the correspondence in future. Therefore,
it should be very clearly written with black ball point pen only. The address should be properly
fi lled up in the prescribed boxes and should not overfl ow. The University will not be responsible
for any loss in transit or for incorrect address given by the applicant in the Application Form.
No request for change of address will be entertained till the admission is fi nalized.
9. In addition to the above mentioned details, mobile number, contact number of the residence
and e-mail id must be provided in the CET application form along with the relevant enclosure
given in appendix 15.
10. The schedule for the sale of admission brochure and submission of CET application form along
with relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 is given in the table below:

1. The applicants are advised to retain a photocopy of the duly fi lled-in CET Application Form along
with relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 before the same is submitted to the University.
2. The failure to submit any of the relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 and eligibility documents
may result in rejection of the CET application form.
3. The applicants are advised to submit the CET application form with the relevant enclosure given in
appendix 15 and eligibility documents as per the Admission Brochure before the last date for
submission of application form.
4 After the last date is over, CET Application Form sent through Registered/Speed Post/Courier or
by any other means will not be accepted, irrespective of the fact when the form was despatched/
posted. Therefore, candidates are advised to submit their CET Applications Form along with
relevant enclosure given in appendix 15 and eligible documents at the earliest to the Controller
of Examination/Respective School of the University, instead of waiting for the last date.
C. B.ARCH PROGRAMME where NO CET will be held.
1. Last date for submission of Application Form by Hand/Post/Online- 3rd June 2013 (Monday) to 1st
July 2013 (Monday).
2. Applicants will have to submit their result of qualifying examination and NATA Score alongwith proof of
the same along with the application form and Appendix -14.
3. Online applicants should submit Appendix-14 alongwith all the documents within this stipulated
4 . The Application Form complete in all respects in the sealed printed envelope given along with Admission
Brochure, should be submitted by hand at the University counter or it may be sent by Registered/Speed
Post to the Controller of Examinations, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University, Sector-16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 latest by the dates as mentioned above.
5. Display of First Merit List on University's Website ( by Controller of Examinations-
11th July 2013 (Thursday).
6. L ast Date of submitting Representation 16th July 2013 (Tuesday) upto 4 p.m.
7. Display of Final Merit List (after considering representation) 18th July 2013 (Thursday).

1. The Admit Card alloting the Roll Number
and Examination Centre for the Common
Entrance Tests will be despatched by the
University to the candidates by Registered/
Speed Post. The University will not be
responsible for the delay, non delivery due
to incorrect address, loss or damage of the
Admit Card during the transit after the same
is despatched by the University.
2. No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination
Hall without the 'CET Admit Card 2013.
3. Candidate must preserve the CET Admit
Card till the admission procedure is over as
it has to be handed over to the Admission
Offi cer at the time of counselling/admission.
Request for issue of duplicate Admit Card
will not be entertained after the Common
Entrance Test (under any circumstances).
4. In case of non receipt of Admit Card, the
candidate may download e-admit card from
the University Website (
Such candidates are advised to paste a
photograph (same as on the Application
Form duly attested by a Gazzeted Offi cer/
Head of the Institute last attended) on the
admit card. The candidate should make two
copies of the e-admit card. One copy to be
retained by the candidate and one copy to
be submitted at the examination centre.
Such candidates are advised to report to the
concerned examination centre alongwith
any identity proof, two hours before the
commencement of examination. The
University observer, Centre Superintendent
will attest the e-admit card on the basis of
the records provided by the University.
5. No claim of having fi lled up the Application
Form and non-receipt of admit card will be
admissible after the test.
6. Impersonation is a punishable offence. No
candidate will be permitted to appear in
CET without the Admit Card. The admit card
should be presented to the invigilator(s)
for verifi cation. The candidate's identity will
be verifi ed in respect of his/her details on
the admit card/centre verifi cation record.
If the identity is doubtful, the candidate
may not be allowed to appear in the
examination. The authorities may permit the
candidates to appear for the examination
after completing the necessary formalities
(visible mark of identifi cation) at their
discretion. No extra time will be allowed
for these formalities to be completed.

1. Scheme of the Test
(i) The test paper will contain 150 objective-type
questions in all. Each question will be provided
with four alternative answers marked as (1),
(2), (3) and (4). Out of these, only one correct
or most appropriate answer should be selected
and marked on the OMR answer sheet;
(ii) Each question shall carry four marks;
(iii) There will be negative marking for incorrect
answers. One mark will be deducted for each
incorrect answer;
(iv) The Written Test will be of two and a half hours
duration and will carry 600 marks;
(v) The medium of the tests will be English only;
(vi) Candidates should bring a black ball point
pen to the Examination Hall for writing/marking
responses (darkening the ovals) on OMR
answer sheet. Use of pencil is not allowed;
(vii) No requests for re-checking, re-evaluation, reassessment
or scrutiny of OMR answer sheet
will be entertained;
(viii) For those who are unable to appear in the
test on the scheduled date for any reason,
retest will not be held by the University
under any circumstances. No refund of fee
is permissible;
2. Reporting for the Test
(i) The Candidate should report at the Examination
Centre 30 minutes prior to the time of the
commencement of CET. For any delay on the
part of candidate, the candidate will be solely
responsible and no compensatory time will be
(ii) No candidate will be allowed to enter in the
Examination Hall after the commencement of
(iii) No candidate will be allowed to leave the
examination hall before the prescribed time for
CET is over;
(iv) Candidate should leave Examination Hall only
after handing over OMR answer sheet & test
booklet to the Invigilator;
3. Expected Behaviour and Discipline
during the Test
(i) If any candidate is found using any UNFAIR
MEANS or does not observe discipline during
conduct of the Common Entrance Test, the
University will take necessary disciplinary
action against such candidate(s) as per its
(ii) No candidate should carry any textual material,
printed or written, bits of papers or any other
material except the Admit Card (without
envelope) inside the Examination Hall. If the
candidate is found to be copying or conversing
with other candidate(s) or having in his/
her possession papers, notes or books/any
electronic material with or without relevant text,
he/she will be disqualifi ed from taking the Test
and the next one or two such Tests depending
on the nature of offence;
(iii) Carrying of cell phone, pager, calculator
or any other electronic gadgets to the
Examination Centre is strictly prohibited.
Neither the University will make any
arrangement for the safe custody of any
of these items nor will it be responsible for
loss of any such item. Hence, the parents
may counsel their wards for not carrying
such items with them while going to
respective examination centres for taking
the CET.
(iv) Candidates must not obtain or give or attempt
to obtain or to give irregular assistance of any
kind during the Test, which will entail expulsion
and cancellation of candidature for the Test;
(v) Any attempt to note down questions during
the Test or to take away pages from the Test
Booklet will be viewed very seriously, and invite
legal action;
(vi) Candidate shall maintain perfect silence and
attend to their papers only. Any conversation,
gesticulation or causing disturbance during the
Test will be deemed to be an act of misbehavior
and is, therefore, strictly prohibited. Also, if
a candidate is found impersonating or using
unfair means, he/she will be disqualifi ed from
taking the Test and the next one or two such
Tests depending on the nature of offence.

4. Detailed instructions to be followed in the
examination hall are given in Appendix :3.
Specimen copy of the OMR answer sheet to
be used for the Test is given in Appendix :4.
5. Procedure for preparing Merit List
of CET
The inter-se-merit of candidates securing equal
aggregate marks in Common Entrance Test will be
determined according to the following criteria :
(a) For B.Tech / M.Tech (Dual Degree) (IT, CSE,
ECE, CE & BCE), B.Tech (IT, CSE, ECE, MAE,
PE, ENE, TE, CVE, ICE & EEE) programmes
(i) The candidates getting higher marks in Maths
in CET shall rank higher;
(ii) In case of candidates securing equal marks
in the aggregate of PCM as well as in Maths
separately in CET, then the candidate getting
higher marks in Physics shall rank higher;
(iii) In case of tie in (i) and (ii) above, the candidate
older in age shall rank higher.
(b) For B.Tech / M.Tech (Dual Degree) Bio-
Technology programme :
(i) The candidates getting higher marks in Biology
/Bio-Technology in CET shall rank higher;
(ii) In case of candidates securing equal marks in
the aggregate of PCB/PC-Bio-Technology as
well as in Biology/Bio-Technology separately in
CET, then the candidate getting higher marks
in Chemistry shall rank higher;
(iii) In case of tie in (i) and (ii) above, the candidate
older in age shall rank higher.
(c) For M.Tech programme :
The procedure for preparing MERIT list is given
in Chapter 6.
Note: If it is found at the time of counselling that
after considering the above, there is still tie for
merit, then marks in the qualifying examination
shall be considered for determining the rank.
If marks of qualifying examination are not
available or happen to be equal, then marks
obtained by the candidate in public examination
passed prior to the qualifying examination shall
be considered to decide inter-se-merit.

1. For the programmes for which Common Entrance Tests are being conducted, the University will
prepare a list of qualifi ed candidates separately for each CET Code in order of merit based on
the marks obtained by the candidates in the said Tests. The result of Common Entrance Tests will
be displayed on the University's Website ( on the dates specifi ed in Chapter 7. The
University will declare inter-se-ranks for qualifi ed candidates only. No separate intimation will be
sent to the candidates in this regard. All the admissions will be made through two counsellings to be
conducted by the University as per the procuedure prescribed in subsequent paragraphs, strictly on
the basis of inter-se-merit of the qualifi ed candidates. There will be no third counselling.
Venue of counselling will be notifi ed in the counselling schedule on the University's website
A: For B.Tech Programmes where CET will be held.
CET Programme Display of #Commencement Last date of #Display of 2nd #Commencement
Code 1st Counselling of 1st Counselling withdrawal after Counselling of 2nd Counselling*
Schedule at 9.30 A.M 1st Counselling Schedule at 9.30 A.M
128. Lateral Entry to B.Tech (Engg/ 17.05.2013 24.05.2013 14.06.2013 18.06.2013 25.06.2013
Tech) programmes (2nd yr/ (Friday) (Friday) (Friday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday)
3rd sem) for Diploma Holders
129. Lateral Entry to B.Tech prog. for 17.05.2013 24.05.2013 14.06.2013 18.06.2013 25.06.2013
B.Sc.Graduates (Friday) (Friday) (Friday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday)
130. B.Tech./M.Tech (Dual Degree) 19.06.2013 26.06.2013 10.07.2013 16.07.2013 23.07.2013
(Bio-Technology) (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday)
131. B.Tech. /M.Tech. (Dual Degree) Online counselling will be done. A separate notifi cation will be
(IT, CSE, ECE, CE & BCE) issued after declaration of the result.
B.Tech. (Information Tech,
Computer Science & Engg.,
Electronics & Comm Engg.
Mechanical & Automation
Engg., Power Engg., Electrical
& Electronics Engg.,Civil Engg.,
Tool Engg., Environment Engg.
and Instrumentation
& Control Engg.)
# The dates of Counselling are tentative, they are liable to change. Therefore, candidates are
advised to check the University's Website regulary after the declaration of CET result 2013.
* Second Counselling will be held subject to availability of Seats in the respective categories.

B: For M.Tech Programmes where CET will be held.
Programme/ Programme Display of * Display of Display of # Commencement Last ##Display of 2nd #Commenc-
CET Code verifi cation Merit List 1st Counselling of Ist Counselling Date of Counselling ment of 2nd
Schedule Schedule at 5.00 P.M at 9.30 A.M withdrawal Schedule Counselling
of Admission at 5.00 P.M at 9.30 A.M
139 M.Tech. (CSE) 23.05.2013 29.05.2013 04.06.2013 11.06.2013 28.06.2013 03.07.2013 10.07.2013
M.Tech. (IT) (Thursday) (Wednesday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday) (Friday) (Wednesday) (Wednesday)
M.Tech. (IS)
M.Tech. (IT)
M.Tech. (CSE)
140 M.Tech. (DC) 30.05.2013 05.06.2013 12.06.2013 19.06.2013 05.07.2013 09.07.2013 16.07.2013
M.Tech. (SP) (Thursday) (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Friday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday)
M.Tech. (RF &
Microwave Engg.)
M.Tech. (VLSI
M.Tech. (ECE)
* Verifi cation will be done by the Course Coordinator
C: For M.Tech Programmes where no CET will be held.
Programme/ Programme Display of Display of #Commencement Last ##Display of 2nd #Commenc-
CET Code Merit List 1st Counselling of Ist Counselling Date of Counselling ment of 2nd
Schedule at 9.30 A.M withdrawal Schedule Counselling
at 5.00 P.M of Admission at 5.00 P.M at 9.30 A.M
152 M.Tech. (Food 30.05.2013 04.06.2013 11.06.2013 25.06.2013 28.06.2013 04.07.2013
Processing Technology) (Thursday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday) (Friday) (Thursday)
161 M.Tech. (EP) 30.05.2013 04.06.2013 12.06.2013 25.06.2013 28.06.2013 05.07.2013
M.Tech. (NST) (Thursday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Tuesday) (Friday) (Friday)
166 M.Tech. (CT) 30.05.2013 04.06.2013 11.06.2013 25.06.2013 28.06.2013 04.07.2013
(Thursday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday) (Tuesday) (Friday) (Thursday)
D: For B.Arch Programme where no CET will be held.
Programme/ Programme Display of #Commencement Last ##Display of 2nd #Commenc-
CET Code 1st Counselling of Ist Counselling Date of Counselling ment of 2nd
Schedule at 9.30 A.M withdrawal Schedule Counselling
at 5.00 P.M of Admission at 5.00 P.M at 9.30 A.M
100 B. Arch. 19.07.2013 24.07.2013 29.07.2013 30.07.2013 31.07.2013
(Friday) (Wednesday) (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday)
(i) Detailed schedule of fi rst counselling/admissions indicating the number of qualifi ed candidates
to be called for counselling will be displayed at 5.00 p.m. on the University's Website (www. prior to commencement of counselling as indicated above. Venue of Counselling &
list of institutions along with the intake in the respective programme/s for Academic Session
2013-14 will be notifi ed on the University's Website before the commencement of counselling.
(ii) The candidates should report at the notifi ed venue, date and time for counselling/admission inperson
along with the documents mentioned in Chapter 15. On reaching the venue, the candidates
must mark the Attendance. Allotment of seats to the candidates will be made only when he/
she attends the counselling session in person.
(iii) Firstly, the candidates will be called in order of merit/rank, for M.Tech Programme, the candidates
will be called in order of qualifi ed & valid GATE Score/Merit. The candidates shall have to produce
the required documents for verifi cation. Depending upon the merit, the seats will be offered to
the candidates as per availability of seat at that point of time. Each candidate will have to choose.
at out of those available when his/her turn comes
Note: The last date for all kind of admissions will be 30th September, 2013.

(iv) Admission Offi cer will give a duly signed Admission Slip after the deposition of the complete fee (as
required for the programme at the time of conselling) by the candidate. No candidate should leave
the venue of counselling without receiving the Admission Slip. The candidate must check
details printed/written in the admission slip.
(v) A candidate who fails to appear in person on the notifi ed venue, date and time for counselling,
shall forfeit his/her claim for the seat which could be offered to him/her, had he/she been present
on his/her turn. However, if the candidate reports late or reports on subsequent days during
the process of counselling, he/she may be considered for allotment of a seat available at
that point of time.
(vi) A candidate who is allotted a seat will be required to pay complete fee as mentioned in Chapter 14
immediately on the spot at the time of counselling/admission. If a candidate fails to pay the fee, as
mentioned above immediately after the seat is offered to him/her, the offer will be withdrawn on the
spot and the seat will be allotted to the next candidate in the merit list. Part payment or payment
through cash/cheque will not be accepted under any circumstances.
(vii) The students admitted in fi rst counselling would NOT be allowed to change the programme/
institute during the subsequent days of fi rst counselling. However, they may change the
programme/institute during second counselling within the ambit of the programmes/institutes
included in the specifi c CET Code after depositing an additional sum of Rs. 5,000/- in the form of
a fresh Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University payable
at Delhi, however, this will be subject to availability of vacant seats. No change shall, however,
be permitted for a programme for which a separate Entrance Test, has been conducted by
the University.
(viii) The candidates are also advised, in their own interest to check the details of fee paid,
their name, rank, programme, institute of admission, etc. on Admission Slip issued to him/
her by the Admission Offi cer before leaving the counselling hall. Any discrepancy in name,
Choice of allotment of seat etc. should be brought to the notice of Admission Offi cer. No
representation regarding wrong allotment of seat will be entertained if the candidate leaves
the venue without raising any discrepancy.
(ix) Provisionally admitted candidates are further advised to carefully check suffi x (Ρ) to their
enrolment number printed in the Admission Slip.
(x) Admissions will be made strictly on merit basis (Rank-wise) and counselling/admissions will stop
when all the seats get fi lled-up. Notice regarding closure of counselling will be displayed on
University's Website. Parents/candidates are advised to check University's Website before
coming for counselling. University will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused to
parents/candidates due to closure of the counselling prior to dates notifi ed in the Counselling
(xi) The conversion of seats reserved for SC, ST, DEF, PH, Minority, etc. to General Category shall
be done only after completion of 2nd counselling for the reserved category. No such conversion
will be allowed during the 1st counselling. However, while converting the seats during 2nd
counselling, any unfi lled seat(s) reserved for ST Category will be offered to SC Category and vice
versa and only after completing this exercise, the conversion of the reserved category seats to
general category shall be effected.
(xii) De-reservation of unfi lled Outside Delhi Quota Seats to Delhi Quota and Vice versa: Seats
reserved for Outside Delhi Category will be converted to Delhi Category and Vice versa during the
Open House Counselling (which will only be held if seats are vacant after 2nd round of counselling
has been completed in the respective region). It is clarifi ed that no such conversion will be
allowed during 1st counselling.
(i) The candidates after getting admission in fi rst counselling will be allowed to withdraw the admissions
upto 5.00 p.m. of the dates detailed in para 3 of this chapter. All the requests for withdrawal of
admission in the prescribed proforma (Appendix-9) are to be submitted at the Reception Counter,
Admission Branch, Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Sector-16 C, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078. A proper receipt for withdrawal will be issued. The
candidates will be required to surrender the original Admission Slip issued at the time of
Counselling/Admission (BOTH COPIES) while applying for withdrawal of admission. No
request for withdrawal of admission would be entertained without both copies of admission

(ii) In case the written request is received on or before the above mentioned date and time, the admission
will be cancelled and the candidates will be refunded the fee after deduction of Rs.1,000/-.
(iii) No request for withdrawal of admission will be entertained after 5.00 p.m. of the dates as detailed in
para 3 of this chapter.The fee will refunded only if the application reaches the offi ce of the Joint
Registrar (Admission) at Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Sector-16 C, Dwarka, Delhi-110078, before the said date and time. A proper receipt will be issued
by the offi ce of Admission Branch when the candidate submit his/her application for withdrawal
of Admission within pescribed date & time alongwith documents as given above in para 3 of this
chapter. The withdrawal application without the relevant documents will not be entertained. Any
withdrawal after this notifi ed time and date will lead to the forfeiture of the full fee deposited by the
candidate and no subsequent request for refund of fee will be entertained by the University. No
further correspondence in this regard will be made under any circumstances.
(iv) Request of withdrawal of admission will not be entertained through post/email/fax. Candidates
are requested to submit prescribed withdrawal application form with original fee slip at Reception
Counter, Admission Branch before the prescribed withdrawal date and time.
(v) No representation at later stage will be entertained by the University, where request for withdrawl
is submitted in any other branch/offi ce of the university and the request for withdrawal does
not reach the offi ce of the Joint Registrar (Admission) at Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, Sector-16 C, Dwarka, Delhi-110078, before the said date and time.
*Note: A candidate, who has taken admission during 1st counselling, and then he/she withdraws
his/her admission shall not be considered for admission in 2nd counselling.
(i) Detailed Schedule of Second Counselling for all the programmes, depending upon the number
of vacancies created on account of withdrawal(s)/any other reason(s), will be displayed on
the University's Website as well as on its Notice Board (as per schedule mentioned in Para
3 of this chapter). The Second Counselling for all the programmes will tentatively be held
at the same venue. No separate communication will be sent in this regard. It may be noted
that the Academic Session of the University would start on 1st August, 2013.
(ii) The second counselling will commence from rank one onwards for all categories/programmes
and the seats will be allotted strictly on the basis of merit of the candidates. Such candidates, who
were absent in the First Counselling will also be permitted to attend the second counselling.
(iii) A candidate who fails to appear in person on the notifi ed date and time for counselling, shall forfeit
his/her claim for the seat which could be offered to him/her, had he/she been present on his/her
(iv) A candidate who has taken admission in the 1st counselling but reports late on the scheduled date and
time of 2nd counselling and where ranks lower than his rank have been offered the choice of change
of programme, he may be considered by the admission offi cer for change of programme/institute for a
seat available at that time, subject to the certifi cate by admission offi cer that there is no violation of rank
on the seat being vacated by this candidate.
(v) Candidates who got admission during First Counselling are also advised to attend Second
Counselling if they wish to change the programme/institute on the basis of their merit against
the available vacant seat(s).
(vi) The students who take admission in fi rst counselling would be allowed to exercise the option to
change the programme/institute in the second counselling within the ambit of the programmes/
institutes included in the specifi c CET Code after depositing an additional sum of Rs. 5,000/- in the
form of a fresh Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
payable at Delhi. However, this change of programme/institute will be allowed only if the
candidate reports on the scheduled venue, date and time. If he/she does not report on the
scheduled venue, date and time, then the right of change of programme/institute shall be
forfeited and he/she will not be allowed to exercise this option for which the University will
not be responsible. No change shall, however, be permitted for a programme for which a separate
Entrance Test has been conducted by the University.
(vii) A candidate, who fails to exercise the option in person during Second Counselling, shall
forfeit his/her right for a vacant seat even if he or she had higher rank, for which the University
will not be responsible.

(viii) The students having taken admission in second counselling would not be allowed to change
the programme/institute in the subsequent days of 2nd Counselling. In the interest of the
students, it is advised that they should carefully select the programme/institute before taking
admission in the second counselling.
Note: • A candidate, who has taken admission during1st counselling, and then he/she withdraws his/her admission
shall not be considered for admission in 2nd counselling.
• Candidates once enrolled in the University at the end of 2nd counselling will not be considered for admission
through Management Quota.
(ix) Open House Counselling
Counselling on the Open Day will be held only if any seat(s) remains vacant till this date. The said
seat(s) will be offered on that day to the qualifi ed candidate(s) in order of merit as per his/her Region
provided he/she has not taken admission till then in the concerned programme and has reported
for counselling on that day.
Even then, if any seat(s) remains vacant, the same shall be offered to the qualifi ed candidate(s) in
order of merit irrespective of his/her Region provided he/she has not taken admission till then in
the concerned programme and has reported for counselling on that day.
(x) The rest of the procedure for Second Counselling shall remain the same as for the fi rst counselling.
(xi) In case a candidate drops out either during 2nd counselling or after taking admission in
the second counselling, his/her full fee will be forfeited. It is advised in the interest of the
candidates to carefully decide to take admission in the second counselling only if he/she
intends to pursue the programme.
(xii) If any vacancy(ies) arise after second counselling due to any reason, the same shall be fi lled
up as per the directives/instructions of the Hon'ble Court(s)/decision of the University.
(xiv) For B.Tech & B. Arch Programmes only CET qualifi ed candidates will be considered for admission
through Management Quota.The eligibility criteria for such candidates will be the same as for those
admitted through counselling (as given in Chapter 6). The candidates are required to produce the
original Admit Card for admission through Management Quota.
(xv) The list of students on close of admissions after the second counselling shall be treated as fi nal list
of admissions and the same shall be displayed on the website of the University (
(xvi) The Academic Session would commence w.e.f. 1st August, 2013. All the candidates who get admission in
First Counselling must report to their respective Institutes /University Schools on 1st August, 2013 and those
who take admission in the 2nd counselling, shall report to their respective Institutes/University Schools on
1st August 2013 or on the day following the day of the admission, if the admission is granted after
1st August 2013.
Note : (i) It may be noted that students taking admission in any of the programmes/Institutes will also be bound to
abide by the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 as well as Statutes, Ordinances
and Regulations framed there under.
(ii) All candidates who have taken admission in any programme in 1st/2nd counselling must report in the
college latest by 30th August 2013. Failure to report in University School/College/Institute by 30th August
2013, without proper exemption from University School/College/Institute will result in automatic cancellation
of admission.

1. University Schools of Studies, Indira Gandhi
Institute of Technology, Government
Institutes and Self-Financing Colleges/
Institutes located in NCT of Delhi:
(i) Delhi Region : 85% of the Sanctioned Intake
85% seats are reserved for Delhi Region
Candidates, i.e. those who have passed
the qualifying examination from any school/
Institute located in Delhi or from any College/
Institute affi liated to GGSIP University. These
seats will be fi lled up through the merit /rank
list of the CET- 2013 prepared for Delhi Region
candidates. The candidates who have passed
the qualifying examination through Distance/
Open Education system of any recognized
University/ Institute and had his/her Study
Centres in Delhi will be considered as Delhi
Region Candidates but the responsibility to
provide proof of his/her study centre in Delhi
will be of the candidate himself/herself.
(ii) Outside Delhi Region : 15% of the
Sanctioned Intake
15% seats are reserved for Outside Delhi
Region Candidates, i.e. those who have
passed the qualifying examination from any
school/ Institute located outside Delhi. These
seats will be fi lled up through the merit/rank
list of the CET-2013 prepared for Outside Delhi
Region Candidates.
2. Institutions located outside Delhi in NCR:
Admissions will be made on All India Basis.
3. Minority and Non-Minority Self Financing
i) The candidates desirous to seek admission in
all the minority and non-minority self-fi nancing
Colleges/ Institutes are required to take up
the Common Entrance Test of the relevant
academic programme/s.
ii) The procedure for fi lling up of seats in minority
self-financing colleges/institutes shall be
announced on the University's Website (www. alongwith schedule of counselling.
4. De-reservation of unfi lled Outside Delhi
Quota Seats to Delhi Quota and Vice versa:
Seats reserved for Outside Delhi Category will
be converted to Delhi Category and Vice versa
during the Open House Counselling (which
will only be held if seats are vacant after 2nd
round of counselling has been completed in
the respective region). It is clarifi ed that no
such conversion will be allowed during 1st
5. However, final decision regarding seat
allocation will be taken by the Government for
the academic session 2013-14 and the same
will be announced on the University's Website:
Note :
The candidates who have passed degree through Distance/Open Education system of any
recognized University/ Institute and fail to provide the proof of his/her study centre either in Delhi
or Outside Delhi, will not at all be considered for admission in any region, e.g. Delhi Region or
Outside Delhi Region.
The candidate must bring in writing the certifi cate issued by the concerned University imparting
Distance/Open Education stating clearly that the study centre of the candidate is/was in Delhi or
Outside Delhi. The I-card or any other document will not be considered as proof of study centre
by the Admission Offi cer.
In case of Self Financing Colleges/Institutes, Sanctioned Intake includes 10% Management Quota seats
(as per the CET Code). However, in case of University Schools of Studies, University Maintained Institute
and Govt. Institutes there will be no Management Quota.

1. The Reservation Policy for the University Schools, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Govt.
Institutes and Self Financing Colleges/Institutions affi liated with this University, other than minority
institution, for the academic session 2012-13 was as under :-
For University Schools, IGIT and For Institutions located Self Financing Institutes/Colleges
Government Institutions Outside Delhi in NCR in NCT of Delhi
(i) 85% of the Sanctioned Intake shall be Admission will be made on all India 85% of the total sanctioned intake, except
allocated for Delhi Region wherein Basis and reservation of seats was the management seats allocated for
reservation of seats was as under as under Delhi students wherein reservation
SC -15% SC -15% of seats was as under
ST -7.5% ST -7.5% SC -17%
Def - 5% Def - 5% ST -1%
PH- 3% PH -3% Def - 5%
*OBC- 27% PH - 3%
(ii) 15% of the Sanctioned Intake shall be 15% of the total sanctioned intake, except
allocated for Outside Delhi Regions the management seats allocated for
wherein reservation of seats will be the Outside Delhi Students wherein
as under reservation of seats was as under
SC -15% SC -15%
ST -7.5% ST -7.5%
Def - 5% Def - 5%
PH -3% PH -3%
* Reservation in OBC Category is not applicable for Master's Level and Post Graduate Diploma programmes.
Note1. The candidate seeking admission under reserved categories /classes has to mandatorily produce
the caste/category certifi cate in his/her name at the time of counselling. The certifi cate in name of
either of the parent (Mother/Father) is not acceptable and the candidate will not be entitled even for
provisional admission.
2. The reservation certifi cate should be issued from the respective state/region in which the reservation
is claimed e.g. in case any candidate claims for the seat reserved for DSC/DST/DOBC category then
He/She to bring SC/ST/OBC certifi cate issued by Govt. of NCT of Delhi and also should have passed his/
her qualifying exam from Delhi School/College.
3 10% of the total seats (as per CET Code) will be allocated as management quota seats as per policy of Govt.
of NCT of Delhi.
I. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Any unfi lled seat(s) reserved for Scheduled
Castes will be treated as reserved for
Scheduled Tribes and vice-versa and will not
be offered to any other reserved category. In
case suffi cient number of eligible candidates
of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
are not available, the seats thus remaining
vacant will be treated as unreserved after the
second counselling of the reserved categories.
A list of approved Competent Authorities
for the issuance of Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe certifi cates is as under:-
i) District Magistrate, Additional District
Magistrate, Deputy Commissioner, Collector,
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Deputy
Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate,
City Magistrate (not below the rank of
1st class Stipendiary Magistrate), Sub-
Divisional Magistrate, Taluk Magistrate,
Executive Magistrate and Extra Assistant
ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate, Additional
Chief Presidency Magistrate and Presidency

iii) Revenue Offi cer not below the rank of
iv) Administrator, Secretary to the
Administrator or the Development Offi cer
(Lakshdweep & Minicoy Islands).
Note :
1. The required certifi cate (s) for reserved
categories/ classes will be essential at the
time of the counselling/admission and no
provisional admission shall be admissible
for want of caste/category certifi cate from
the local competent authority. Further,
the caste/category certificate should
invariably be in the name of candidate
himself/herself and not in favour of
respective parents/guardians.
2. In case of married woman applying to any
course under reserved category has to
produce the caste certifi cate in the name
of herself. Certificate in the name of
husband/mother/father is not acceptable.
II. Defence Category
In order to claim reservation under Defence
Category, the candidate must have qualifi ed
CET. The reservation for Defence Category
will be in the following order of priority:-
(i) Widows/Wards of Defence personnel
killed in action;
(ii) Wards of serving personnel and exservicemen
disabled in action;
(iii) Widows/wards of Defence personnel
who died in peace-time with death
attributable to military service;
(iv) Wards of Defence Personnel physically
disabled in peace-time with physical
disability with not less than 40%
attributable to military service. Physical
disability must be suffered during the
service at the time of undergoing military
training/ military action in peace time.
(Low medical categories due to medical
diseases which may be due to aggravation
or may be attributable to military service
will not be considered);
(v) Wards of ex-servicemen and serving
personnel who are in receipt of Gallantry
(vi) Wards of serving and ex-servicemen in
order of merit.
Guidelines and Requirements in terms of mandatory
documents needed for claiming reservation for
admission under Defence Category as per revised
priorities mentioned in Ordinance 30 sub-clause
(ii) of clause 1 captioned "Reservation for Defence
Defi nition of DEFENCE personnel:
For the purpose of admission to programmes
conducted by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University under Defence Category, Defence
Personnel will mean any person who is serving in
Indian Army, Navy or Air Force or a person who has
served in Indian Army, Navy or Air Force or those
who come under the category of Ex-servicemen as
per notifi cation of Govt. of India.
Para military forces, like BSF, CRPF, CISF, Assam
Rifles etc. and various other organizations like
Coastal guard, DSC, etc., are not entitled for
claiming the seat for admission under Defence
Defi nition of Ex-servicemen (EXSM):
Ex-Servicemen (EXSM) : Only those candidates
shall be treated as Ex-servicemen who fulfi ll the
revised definition as laid down in Government
of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notifi cation
No. 36034/5/85 Estt. (SCT) dated 27.01.1986 as
amended from time to time.
Disabled Ex-Servicemen (DISXS) : Ex-servicemen,
who while serving in Armed Forces of the union were
disabled in operation against the enemy during
hostilities or in disturbed areas, shall be treated as
Dependents of Ex-Servicemen Killed in Action
(DXS) : Servicemen killed in the following operations
would be deemed to have been killed in action
attributable to military service (a) war (b) war
like operations or Border skirmishes either with
Pakistan on cease fi re line or any other country
(c) fi ghting against armed hostiles in a counter
insurgency environment viz., Nagaland, Mizoram,
etc. (d) serving with peace keeping mission abroad
(e) laying or clearance of mines including enemy
mines as also mine sweeping operation between
one month before thee months after conclusion of
an operation (f) frost bite during actual operations or
during the period specifi ed by the Government (g)
dealing with agitating Para-military forces personnel
(h) IPKF Personnel killed during the operations in
Sri Lanka or any other operation notifi ed by the
government as action.
Widows or wards of the offi cers and men/women of
the armed forces who dies or is disabled in action
must also submit a certifi cate from any one of the
following authorities stating that the death or the
disability, as the case may be, was attributable to
military service:
(i) Commanding Offi cer Unit
(ii) Formation Commander
(iii) Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board,
New Delhi

(iv) Secretary, Rajya or Zila Sainik Board
(v) Offi cer-in-Charge, Record Offi ce
(vi) 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate
For serving offi cers, the certifi cate will be issued
by Commanding Offi cer (CO) of the Unit or the
Formation Commander or immediate Superior
offi cer. Under no circumstances. The Certifi cate
signed by Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO)/
Warrant offi cer will be accepted. The Certifi cate
signed by Subordinating Offi cer for the ward of
Defence personnel will not be accepted. Further, a
dependent certifi cate with photograph from the CO
of the Unit or Canteen smart card will be required to
prove the dependency. This will be in addition to the
requisite documents mentioned under the caption
‘IMPORTANT’ below.
For retired offi cers, the certifi cate will be signed
by Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board, Secretary,
Rajya or Zila Sainik Board, Officer-in-Charge,
Record Office or 1st Class Magistrate. In case
of wards of retired officers. Original Pension
Payment Order (PPO) to support their claim as a
pensioner/special family pensioner/liberalized family
pensioner is mandatory. Further, the candidate must
have documentary evidence like Ex-serviceman
Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) card as proof
of dependency. For claiming reservation under
Priority (i), the Government notifi cation and proof of
Liberalized Family Pension is must and for claiming
reservation under Priority (iii), proof of Special
Family Penson is must. This will be in addition to the
requisite documents mentioned under the caption
‘IMPORTANT' below.
For physically disabled Defence personnel,
the candidate claiming reservation under Defence
Category Priority (iv) must bring the original medical
release board/medical board papers which should
very clearly state that the physical disability suffered
is attributable to military service. In addition to the
medical board, the DO Part-II/Court of Inquiry (COI)
document also be produced to prove physical
disability during military training. On non-availability
of mandatory documents, the admission offi cer will
deny admission under Priority (iv).
The list of seniority of Gallantry Awards in their Order
of Precedence is as follows:-
(a) Param Vir Chakra
(b) Ashok Chakra
(c) Mahavir Chakra
(d) Kirti Chakra
(e) Vir Chakra
(f) Shaurya Chakra
(g) Sena/ Nao Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal*
(h) Mention-in-dispatch**
Note* This Medal is awarded for Gallantry as well
as for distinguished service. Accordingly, it is notifi ed
in correspondence as under:-
(a) Sena Medal (G)/ Nao Sena Medal (G)/
Vayu Sena Medal (G) for the medal
awarded for Gallantry.
(b) Sena Medal (D)/ Nao Sena Medal (D)/
Vayu Sena Medal (D) for the medal
awarded for Distinguished Service..
** Mention-in-Dispatch is also awarded for Gallantry
and Distinguished services. Classifi cation of same
is made only on specifi c request.
However, for the purpose of reservation, only
notifi cation which states that the Sena Medal has
been awarded for Gallantry will be accepted and
the Sena Medal for Distinguished Services will not
be considered.
For claiming reservation on a seat reserved for
Defence Category, entitlement card in original
issued by the Record Offi cer of the concerned
unit or the regiment of the armed forces in
case of personnel of the armed forces is to be
produced as proof for claiming reservation in a
particular category at the time of counselling/
admission. In addition to original entitlement
card/ document as referred above, the candidate
will also have to bring the relevant format given in
(Appendix-10) duly completed in original and signed
by the competent authority which will become part
of the Admission fi le.
III. Physically Handicapped
A certifi cate from the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre
for Physically Handicapped 9,10,11 Karkardooma,
Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092 is to be produced at the
time of counselling/admission, which will certify that
the applicant is fi t for undergoing the said course
(Appendix-11). No certifi cate other than this shall
be allowed for availing seat under 'PH' Category.
IV. Other Backward Category
27% seats are reserved for Delhi OBC Category
belonging to the list of OBC castes in Delhi.
The reservation will be available only in the
University Schools of Studies, University
maintainedInstitute and other Government
Institutions. Students will be admitted in this
category on the submission of a certificate to
this effect from the Competent Authority of the
Government of NCT of Delhi. Certifi cate issued

by Govt. of India will not be accepted under any
circumstances. The reservation for OBC Category
is only for candidates who are from Delhi Region.
A certifi cate issued by a Competent Authority of Delhi
to an individual on the basis of Caste Certifi cate
of his/her parents from another state will not be
accepted for claiming a seat under OBC Category.
Reservation in OBC Category is not applicable
for Master's Level and Post Graduate Diploma
A list of approved Competent Authorities for the
issuance of OBC certifi cates is as under:-
i) District Magistrate, Additional District
Magistrate, Deputy Commissioner, Collector,
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Deputy
Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate,
City Magistrate (not below the rank of 1st
class Stipendiary Magistrate), Sub-Divisional
Magistrate, Executive Magistrate.
Note :
1. The required certifi cate (s) for reserved
categories/ classes will be essential at the
time of the counselling/admission and no
provisional admission shall be admissible
for want of caste/category certifi cate from
the local competent authority. Further,
the caste/category certificate should
invariably be in the name of candidate
himself/herself and not in favour of
respective parents/guardians.
2. In case of married woman applying to any
course under reserved category has to
produce the caste certifi cate in the name
of herself. Certificate in the name of
husband/mother/father is not acceptable.
V. Supernumerary Seats for Kashmiri Migrants
One seat, which will be supernumerary in nature
is earmarked for Kashmiri migrants in each
Institution. Admission will be based on merit
through CET-2013. First preference will be given
to Kashmiri migrants registered in Delhi upto
11.06.2001. In case of seats remaining vacant
Kashmiri migrants settled outside Delhi will be
considered. A certifi cate of competent authority
for availing admission against Kashmiri Migrant
Quota is to be produced by the candidates at the
time of counselling/admission. (Appendix -12)
since the seats of Kashmiri Migrant Quota are
supernumery, they will not be converted at all in
any other category in case they remain unfi lled.
Note :
(a) The candidates claiming seats against
Kashmiri Migrants must produce the
(Appendix-12) duly filled before the
Admission Offi cer.
(b) Those who do not have original Migrant
Card showing their actual date of
registration can also produce a Certifi cate
from the SDM, which should clearly
state that the individual was registered
as J&K Migrant in Delhi specifying the
exact date of registration.
2. The conversion of seats reserved for SC, ST,
DEF, PH, Minority, etc. to General Category
shall be done only after the completion of 2nd
counselling for the reserved categories and
no such conversion will be allowed during the
1st counselling. However, while converting
the seats, any unfi lled seat(s) reserved for ST
Category will be offered to SC Category and
vice versa and only after that the conversion of
the reserved category seats shall be effected.
3. However, fi nal decision regarding reservation
policy will be taken by the Government (for
the year 2013-14) and the same will be
announced on University's Website (www. in case of any change(s) in the
policy as described in above paragraphs.
Clarifi cation for Admissions in reserved category :
Admission will be permissible to qualifi ed candidates
in any programme in the following conditions:-
1. If Qualifying examination is passed
from Delhi and Reservation certificate
issued f r om Delhi for SC/ST/OBC
categories, then admission is permissible
under Delhi Reserved category.
2. If Qualifying examination is passed
from Outside Delhi and Reservation
certificate issued from anywhere in
India, including Delhi for SC/ST categories,
then admission is permissible under
Outside Delhi Reserved category.
3. If Qualifying examination is passed
from Delhi and Reservation certificate
issued from Outside Delhi for SC/ST
categories, then admission is permissible
only under Delhi General category.
4. For Institutes in NCR Region (Not
in Delhi) All India basis:- If Qualifying
examination is passed from anywhere in
India and Reservation certifi cate is issued
from anywhere in India, then admission is
permissible under Reserved category,
irrespective of the region from where
certifi cate has been issued.

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