Monday, 21 March 2016
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Master of Arts(Economics)162 Eligibility Conditions:Bachelor degree in Economics or equivalent from a Universityrecognized by the UGC with a minimum of 50% of marks.22 Master of ComputerApplications (LateralEntry)163 Eligibility Conditions:Bachelor of Computer Applications / B.Sc. (Information Technology) /B.Sc.(Computer Science) degree with mathematics as a course at 10+2level or graduate level from a University recognized by the UGC witha minimum of 55% marks in aggregate.NOTE:1. Admission Critera: All applicants must appear in the CET conducted (unless specifiedotherwise). The admissions would be based on the merit / rank in the CET.2. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisiteeligibility and qualifications for admission. Appearing for the written examination does notnecessarily mean acceptance of eligibility.3. For the purpose of percentage calculation in the qualifying degree, for the candidates whohave completed their qualifying degree from GGSIPU, the Cumulative Performance Index (CPI)shall be taken as the percentage of marks.2.4.2 Programmes of Studies at Graduation LevelS.No. Name of CET CETCodeELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS & ADMISSION CRITERIA1 Bachelor ofComputerApplications114 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50%marks in aggregate* with pass in English (core or elective or functional)and Mathematics or Computer Science / Informatics Practice / ComputerApplications / Multimedia & Web Technology / Data ManagementApplication / Web Application.ORThree year Diploma in a branch of Engineering from a polytechnic dulyapproved by All India Council for Technical Education and affiliated to arecognized examining body with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.2 Bachelor of Science(Nursing)(Only for UnmarriedFemale Candidates)115 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th class of 10+2 of CBSE with Science (Physics, Chemistry,Biology) or equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics,Chemistry, Biology provided that the candidate has passed in each subjectseparately. The candidate must also have passed English (core or electiveor functional) in qualifying examination.3 LLB CET 121 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50%marks in aggregate* and must also have passed English (core or elective orfunctional) as a subject.4 BED CET 122 Eligibility Conditions:1. Bachelor of Education: Candidates with at least 50% marks either in Bachelorsdegree and/or in the Masters degree in Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.ORBachelors in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science andMathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto.Note:Candidates having fulfilled the eligibility conditions, as mentioned above, mayopt for any two teaching methodology subjects, as per details given below forgraduates and post graduates.(I) Graduate:Candidates must have passed at least two subjects out of the following list of theteaching methodology subjects as mentioned below:(i) English (ii) Hindi (iii) Urdu(iv) Punjabi (v) Sanskrit (vi) Mathematics(vii) Integrated Science (viii) Social ScienceNOTE:i. University shall abide strictly to the NCTE norms for admission in B.Ed.PAGE: 19 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078ii. Candidates are advised not to choose two languages as teachingmethodology subjects.iii. The choice of the teaching Methodology shall be based on the subjectsstudied by the candidate at the Graduation level.iv. The candidate must have passed at least two subjects out of the list ofthe teaching methodology subjects as mentioned above. These twosubjects should be available as teaching subjects in the institute / collegein which the candidate seeks admission.v. The second teaching subject can be chosen either from the main subjectsor subsidiary subject passed by the candidate at the graduation The candidate who has studied either Political Science /History/Geography/ Economics /Philosophy/Sociology/Psychology will be eligibleto take Social Science as one of the teaching subject.vii. Candidates who have studied eitherPhysics/Chemistry/Botany/Zoology/Life Science will be eligible to takeIntegrated Science as one of the teaching subject.(II) Post GraduateCandidates must have passed at least two subjects out of the following list of theteaching methodology subjects as mentioned below:(i) English (ii) Hindi (iii) Urdu(iv) Punjabi (v) Sanskrit (vi) Mathematics(vii) Biology (viii) Physics (ix) Chemistry(x) Accountancy (xi) Business Studies (xii)Political Science(xiii) History (xiv) Geography (xv) Economics(xvi) Home ScienceNOTE:i. University shall abide strictly to the NCTE norms for admission in B.Ed.ii. Candidates are advised not to choose two languages as teachingmethodology subjects.iii. The choice of the teaching Methodology shall be based on the subjectsstudied by the candidate at the Post Graduation or Graduation level.iv. The candidate must have passed at least two subjects out of the list ofthe teaching methodology subjects as mentioned above. Candidates willbe allotted teaching subjects from the subjects listed above provided thesame is being offered by the Institute / College where the candidateseeks admission.v. The First Teaching Subject can be chosen from the subjects passed by thecandidate at Post Graduation The Second Teaching Subject can be chosen either from the main subjectsor subsidiary subjects passed by the candidate at Graduation level.M.Com. candidates may choose both the teaching subject from the Post GraduateLevel.2. Bachelor of Special Education: Candidates with at least 50% marks either inBachelors degree and/or in the Masters degree in Sciences, Social Sciences, andHumanities.ORBachelors in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science andMathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto.Note: The University shall follow RCI guidelines for the B.Ed. Spl. Educationprogrammes for admissions and implementation.5 PARA CET for thefollowingprogrammes ofstudies:1. BPT2. BPO3. B.Sc. (MLT)4. BASLP5. BAMS6. BHMS124 Eligibility Conditions:1. For programmes other than Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine &Surgery: Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimumaggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided thecandidate has passed in each subject separately. A candidate also musthave passed in English (core or elective or functional) as a subject of studyin the qualifying examination.2. For Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery: Pass in 12th classexamination under 10+2 system conducted by recognized Board/Universitywith required subjects, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and securingminimum 60% marks aggregate in these subjects, will be eligible. Acandidate also must have passed in English as a subject of study (core,elective or functional) in the qualifying examination.PAGE: 20 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078Note:- Blind (including colour blind), deaf and/or dumb candidates shallnot be eligible for admission in the BHMS course.6 CET for BBA & AlliedProgrammes125 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50%marks in aggregate* and must also have passed English (core or elective orfunctional) as a subject.7 Bachelor of Arts(Journalism & MassCommunication)126 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50%marks in aggregate* and must also have passed English (core or elective orfunctional) as a subject.8 Bachelor of HotelManagement &Catering Technology127 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50%marks in aggregate* and must also have passed in English (core or electiveor functional) as a subject.9 Bachelor ofCommerce(Honours)146 Eligibility Conditions:50% in aggregate in 10+2 examination / senior school certificateexamination of C.B.S.E . as minimum marks for admission to B.Com withpass in five subjects (One language and four elective subjects) or anexamination recognized as equivalent to that.(i) Pre-University Examination (Two years after ten years of schooling) ofan Indian school / college.ORIntermediate Examination of an Indian University / Board or anExamination recognized as equivalent to that (Pass in Five writtensubjects)(ii) Indian School Certificate Examination (12 years) conducted by theCouncil for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi (Pass inFive written subjects).(iii) Examination of a foreign University / Board which is recognized asequivalent to 10+2 CBSE examination/or Indian university.10 Bachelor of Science(Yoga)117 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th class of 10+2 pattern of CBSE or Equivalent with Science(Physics, Chemistry and Biology) with a minimum aggregate of 50% marksin Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided that the candidate has passedin each subject separately. A candidate also must have passed in English asa subject of study (core, elective or functional) in the qualifyingexamination.11 B.Sc. (MedicalTechnology -RadioTechnology)158 Eligibility Conditions:Pass in 12th class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with minimum aggregateof 55% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology provided the candidate haspassed in each subject separately. A candidate also must have passed inEnglish (core or selective or function) as a subject of studies in thequalifying examination.ORDiploma in Radiotherapy Technology after pass in 12th class of CBSE orequivalent with minimum aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistryand Biology provided the candidate has passed in each subject separately,having minimum 5 years of experience in the field of Radiotherapy.12 Bachelor of Vocation 200 To be notified later by the University.*Aggregate of 50% marks in the 12th class for the purpose of eligibility will be taken as the aggregate ofbest four subjects including one language and compulsory subject(s), if any. These compulsory subjectswill vary for various programmes. The details of compulsory subject(s) whatever applicable will benotified on university website before start of the counselling.NOTE:1. Admission Critera: All applicants must appear in the CET conducted. The admissions would bePAGE: 21 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078based on the merit / rank in the CET.2. Candidate should be not less than 17 years as on 31st December, 2016 for Bachelor ofHomeopathic Medicine & Surgery/Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery Programme.3. Admission of students passing out of GGSIPU: The CPI awarded by the University to be treatedas equivalent to percentage.2.4.3 Post Graduate Diploma ProgrammesS.No. Name ofProgrammeCETCodeELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS & ADMISSION CRITERIA1 Post GraduateDiploma inRadiological Physics151 Eligibility Criteria: M.Sc.(Physics) with 60% Marks.Admission Criteria: Merit List for admission to be prepared onthe basis of qualifying degree percentage and interview in theratio of 3:1 (that is, 75% weightage for qualifying degree marksand 25% weightage to interview marks). Schedule for theinterview shall be notified by the Dean, University School of Basicand Applied Science later on the University's website( Post GraduateDiploma in Women'sEmpowerment164 Eligibility Criteria: Graduation / Bachelor Level Degree from anyUGC recognised University with 50% Marks.Admission Criteria: Merit List for admission to be prepared onthe basis of qualifying degree percentage and interview in theratio of 3:1 (that is, 75% weightage for qualifying degree marksand 25% weightage to interview marks). Schedule for theinterview shall be notified by the Dean, University School ofHumanities and Social Sciences later on the University's website( No CET shall be held for these programmes2. Admission of students passing out of GGSIPU: The CPI awarded by the University to be treatedas equivalent to percentage.2.4.4 Programmes of Studies for which classes are conducted on weekendsS.No. Name ofProgrammeCETCodeELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS & ADMISSION CRITERIA1 Master of BusinessAdministration (withsectorialspecialization)155 Eligibility Conditions:i) Graduation or its equivalent in any discipline with at least 50%marks in aggregate.ii) At least one year post-qualificationexecutive/supervisory/teaching experience. The cut-off datefor counting experience shall be 31st May, 2016.iii) A No-objection certificate is required to be submitted at thetime of admission from the current employer.Admission Criteria:Admission shall be based on marks obtained in the qualifyingexamination(Graduation) and performance in personal interview. Meritlist shall be prepared based on the following:a) 70% weightage will be given to the percentage secured in thequalifying examination.b) 30% weightage will be given to the performance in personal Interview.Thus the merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marks earned byeach candidate, out of 100 comprising of percentage of marks obtainedin eligibility qualification and marks obtained in Personal Interview.PAGE: 22 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100782 Master of Arts(Journalism & MassCommunication)176 Eligibility Conditions:Graduation or its equivalent in any discipline with at least 50% marks inaggregate.Admission Criteria:Admission shall be based on marks obtained in the qualifyingexamination (Graduation) and performance in Personal Interview. Meritlist shall be prepared based on the following:I. Percentage of Marks secured in the qualifying examination on a100 - point scale.II. One mark each for an additional year of relevant experience butup to a maximum of 10 additional marks. The cutoff date forcounting the experience shall be 31st May, 2016.III. Personal Interview marks on a 40 - point scale.IV. In case of tie between the candidates, i.e. all marks beingequal, the candidate for admission will be selected as per thediscretion of the admission committee.3 Master of Law for thefollowing programmes1. LLM(Cyber Law &Cyber Crime)2. LLM (Intellectual &Industrial PropertyLaw)181 Eligibility Conditions:LL.B Degree as required by the Bar Council of India for Enrollment as anAdvocate or an equivalent Law Degree from a Foreign University withone year experience in profession or service.Admission Criteria:Admission to be made on the basis of a merit list prepared as follows:i. Non-CET mode on the basis of performance in the qualifyingexamination – 50%ii. Interview – 30%iii. Year - wise Professional Experience – 20%.Interview shall be conducted by the committee constituted by Dean,University School of Law and Legal Studies with the approval of the ViceChancellor, GGSIPU.The final Merit list to be prepared by a committee constituted by Dean,University School of Law and Legal Studies and shall be declared by theDean, University School of Law and Legal Studies on the Universitywebsite Master of BusinessAdministration(DisasterManagement)186 Eligibility Conditions:1. Graduate or equivalent in any subject with minimum Programmeof 50% marks in aggregate.2. At least one year post-qualification executive/ professionalexperience.Admission Criteria:Merit list shall be prepared based on the following:1. Percentage of marks secured in the qualifying examination on a100 point scale.2. One mark each for an additional year of relevant experience putup to a maximum of 15 additional marks.3. Personal Interview marks on a 25 point scale.4. The final merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marksearned by each candidate from out of 140 comprisingpercentage of marks obtained in eligibility qualification,experience and marks obtained in Personal Interview and shallbe declared by the Dean, University School of ManagementStudies on the University website No CET shall be conducted for these programme / programme groups.2. Admission of students passing out of GGSIPU: The CPI awarded by the University to be treatedas equivalent to percentage.PAGE: 23 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100782.5 Graduate and Post-Graduate Medical Programmes of StudiesS.No. Name of CET CETCodeELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS & ADMISSION CRITERIA1 Bachelor of Medicine& Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS)103 Candidate must have passed in the subject of Physics, Chemistry,Biology/Biotechnology and English (Core or Elective or Functional)individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks together inPhysics, Chemistry, Biology /Biotechnology and English (40% in case ofSC/ST/OBC candidate, subject to availability of seat for these categoriesin the respective institutions). There shall be a 2-stage CET for MBBS, thequalified students of stage – 1 shall be required to appear in the secondstage. The merit of the second stage only shall be used for the purposeof counselling/admissions.2 Bachelor of DentalSurgery (BDS)104 Candidate must have passed in the subject of Physics, Chemistry, Biologyand English (Core or Elective or Functional) individually and must haveobtained a minimum of 50% marks together in Physics, Chemistry, Biologyand English (40% in case of SC/ST/OBC candidate, subject to availabilityof seat for these categories in the respective institutions).3 Post Graduate MedicalDegree/ Diploma(Streams availableshall be notifiedbefore the start ofcounselling foradmissions)102 The CET is conducted only for the state / institutional quota seatsavailable in the University. Every candidate selected for admission toPGMC shall possess MBBS degree recognized by Medical Council of Indiaand must have completed one year compulsory rotatory internship on orbefore 30th April 2016. The Candidate should have obtained permanentregistration with the MCI or any of the State Medical Council. Onlycandidates who have obtained their MBBS degree from the Guru GobindSingh Indraprastha University, Delhi are eligible to appear in the CET.4 D.M.(Cardiology) 132 Candidates should have qualified MD / DNB (Medicine / Paediatrics).5 M.Ch. (CTVS) 133 Candidates should have qualified MS General Surgery/DNB GeneralSurgery6 M.Ch.(Neuro Surgery) 134 Candidates should have qualified MS General Surgery/DNB GeneralSurgery7 DM (Neurology) 135 Candidates should have qualified MD / DNB (Medicine / Paediatrics)8 M.Ch.(Burns, Plasticand MaxilofacialSurgery)136 Candidates should have qualified MS General Surgery/DNB GeneralSurgery9 DM (Pulmonary &Critical CareMedicine)138 Candidates should have qualified MD (General Medicine /PulmonaryMedicine / Paediatrics /Chest) / DNB (General Medicine/PM/Paediatrics / Chest)10 M.Ch (PaediatricsSurgery)143 Candidates should have qualified MS General Surgery/DNB GeneralSurgery11 M.Ch. (Urology) 144 Candidates should have qualified MS General Surgery/DNB GeneralSurgeryAdmission Critera: All applicants must appear in the CET conducted. The admissions would be based onthe merit / rank in the CET.2.5.1 Detailed MBBS (CET Code 103)/BDS (CET Code 104) Eligibility Criteria(1) Candidate should be an Indian citizen. Non-Resident Indians and Foreign Nationals are noteligible.(2) Candidate should not be less than 17 (Seventeen) years as on the 31st December, 2016.(3) MBBS: Candidate should have passed the 12th Class under the 10+2 Scheme/Senior SchoolCertificate Examination or Intermediate Science (I.Sc.) or an equivalent examination of therecognised University/Board of any Indian State with physics, chemistry, biology/biotechnologyand english (core or elective or functional). Candidate must have passed in the subject ofPAGE: 24 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Biotechnology and English (core or elective or functional)individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks together in Physics, Chemistryand Biology /Biotechnology(40% in case of SC/ST candidates, subject to availability of seat forthese categories in the respective institutions).BDS: Candidate, who have passed 12th class examination under 10+2 system conducted by theC.B.S.E./ Council of the Indian School Certificate Examination/Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhiwith required subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English from the recognized schoolsconducting regular classes situated within the National Capital Territory of Delhi only, will beeligible for admission for BDS Programme. Candidate must have passed in the subject ofPhysics, Chemistry, Biology and English (core or elective or functional) individually and musthave obtained a minimum of 50% marks together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (40% incase of SC/ST candidates, subject to the availability of seat for these categories in therespective institutions).(4) To claim seat under MBBS programme at NDMC for the academic session 2016-17, the candidatemust have studied 11th and 12th classes regularly from a recognized school within the NationalCapital Territory of Delhi.(5) To claim seat under BDS programme for the academic session 2016-17, the candidate must havestudied 11th and 12th classes regularly from a recognized school within the National CapitalTerritory of Delhi.NOTE:(1) All those candidates who have appeared in the qualifying examination with Physics,Chemistry, Biology (or Biotechnology for MBBS only in lieu of Biology) and English (core orelective or functional) and expect to pass the examination with required percentage ofmarks are also eligible to apply and appear in the CET: MBBS & BDS–2016. However, theircandidature will be considered only if they are able to produce documentary evidence ofhaving passed the qualifying examination with the required subjects and percentage ofmarks at the time of counselling for admission. NO PROVISIONAL ADMISSION WILL BE DONEFOR ANY RESULT AWAITED OR COMPARTMENT / SUPPLEMANTARY CASES. However, Incase the result of the Compartment/Supplementary examination(s) is declared by the timeof admission/counselling and the candidate fulfills the eligibility conditions as mentionedabove, then such candidates would be eligible for the admission for the academic session2016-17.(2) It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they posses the requisiteeligibility and qualifications for admission. Appearing for the written examination does notnecessarily mean acceptance of eligibility.(3) There will be no rounding-off of the percentage of marks of qualifying examination whiledeciding the basic eligibility of any candidate for admission e.g. if a candidate obtained49.9% marks in his/her qualifying examination, then it will not be rounded-off to 50%.Therefore, the candidate is not eligible for that programme where minimum requirementof marks is 50%. In case candidate for any reason mentions the minimum percentagewrongly in verification form, he/she shall be exclusively responsible.2.5.2 Eligibility for admission to ACMS for ARMY category for MBBS programmeFor admissions to Army College of Medical Sciences refer to Chapter 7 Section Detailed eligibility criteria for Post Graduate Medical Course CET (PGMC)(CET CODE-102)1. Only candidates who have completed their MBBS Degree from GGSIPU are eligible for admissionthrough this admission brochure.2. Every candidate selected for admission to Post Graduate Medical Course through the Universityconducted CET shall possess MBBS degree from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University andrecognized by Medical Council of India and must have completed one year compulsory rotatoryinternship on or before 30th April, 2016. The candidate should have obtained permanentPAGE: 25 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078registration with the Medical Council of India or any of the State Medical Council.3. The candidate must have obtained 600 marks out of 1200, i.e., 50% marks in the Post GraduateMedical Common Entrance Test in case of general category and 40% marks in case of candidatesbelonging to SC, ST, OBC category, i.e., they are required to obtain 480 marks out of 1200.4. The candidates should be medically fit to pursue the allocated course on Medical Examination.The selected candidate will be required to undergo Medical Examination by duly constitutedmedical board at the assigned institution. The candidate shall not be allowed to join thecourse, if he/she is found medically unfit for the course.5. The in-service candidates shall submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer tothe effect that they have no objection and the candidates will be relieved/granted study leavefor pursuing the course at the time of counselling, and the certificate should be available atthe time of Counselling, failing which he /she will not be eligible for the counselling.6. No employed / in-service candidate shall be allowed to join a course unless he/she has beenrelieved/sanctioned study leave from his/her employer.7. After declaration of result of Post-Graduate Medical Entrance Test (CETCode:102), a candidatewho is in service and who is likely to get admission, should initiate the process of obtainingStudy Leave/relieving so that he/she is able to join the course concerned by the stipulateddate.8. No employed candidate shall be allowed to join a course unless he/she has beenrelieved/sanctioned study leave from his/her employer.9. Candidates who are already admitted to any Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma Course inany University/Institution as on the date of counselling will not be eligible for admission.Candidate will be required to give an undertaking/ Declaration in this respect at the time ofcounselling / admission.10. Candidates who have taken admission in any Post Graduate Medical Degree Course in thisUniversity during the academic session 2014-15 or 2015-16 and subsequently resigned from thecourse concerned are not eligible.11. Candidate, who has passed a Post-Graduate Degree course, will not be given admission toDiploma Course in the same subject.12. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Post-Graduate Admission Committee shall be final.However, an appeal could be made to the Vice-Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity against such a decision.2.5.4 Detailed eligibility criteria for Super Speciality Medical Courses (SSMC)(CETCODE-132/133/134/135/136/138/143/144)1. Candidate should be an Indian citizen or a candidate who has obtained the qualifying degreefrom GGSIPU .2. The candidate should be medically fit to pursue the allocated course on medical examination.3. The candidate must have passed the Post graduate (MD/MS/DNB) examination, as perdetails mentioned in Section 2.5 of this Chapter, before the of date of commencement of firstcounselling.4. The candidate holding Diploma of National Board of Examination will be eligible for admissionto Super Speciality Courses, provided they have done thesis work. Evidence of thesis shall beproduced by the candidate.5. The in-service candidates shall submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer tothe effect that they have no objection and the candidates will be relieved/granted study leavefor pursuing the course at the time of counselling, and the certificate should be available atthe time of Counselling, failing which he /she will not be eligible for the counselling.6. No employed / in-service candidate shall be allowed to join a course unless he/she has beenrelieved/sanctioned study leave from his/her employer.7. After declaration of result of Super Speciality Medical Courses, a candidate who is in serviceand who is likely to get admission, should initiate the process of obtaining StudyLeave/relieving so that he/she is able to join the course concerned by the stipulated date.8. No employed / in-service candidate shall be allowed to join a course unless he/she has beenPAGE: 26 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078relieved/sanctioned study leave from his/her employer.9. Candidates who are already admitted to any Super Speciality Medical Courses in anyUniversity/Institution as on the date of counselling will not be eligible for admission. Candidatewill be required to give an undertaking in this respect at the time of counselling / admission.10. Candidates who have taken admission in any Super Speciality Medical Courses through CommonEntrance Test conducted by this University during the academic session 2014-15 or 2015-16 andsubsequently resigned from the course concerned are not eligible.PAGE:
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